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Fitted EOFs
  • Maryam Ilyas,
  • Chris Brierley
Maryam Ilyas

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Chris Brierley
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This manuscript is aimed at discussing our thoughts on the use of fitted EOFs for climate studies. Fitted EOF analysis is an extension of traditional EOFs that attempts to extract EOFs and associated PCs encapsulating predictors and response relationship making use of multivariate regression. Fitted EOFs of ENSO and volcanic aerosols are identified by estimating the impact of these factors on grid of surface temperature anomalies in the Tropics. We mapped influence of ENSO and volcanoes on temperature and removed these impacts to provide adjusted reconstructed grid of surface temperature (1856 - 2011). Spatial gaps are filled with ordinary kriging as gappy data are bottleneck for EOF analysis. ENSO accounts for more variability in surface temperature than volcanoes. Adjusted annual average temperature time series indicates warming as does the unadjusted version. However, it plateaus prominently after 2000.
(As it stands, I’ve just taken a LaTeXtemplate for the Journal Frontiers here, but wouldn’t anticipate that we would ever submit it there. I’ve also added in some section outlines. As a primary goal, the abstract should render the general significance and conceptual advance of the work clearly accessible to a broad readership. References should not be cited in the abstract. Refer to http://www.frontiersin.org/ or Table \ref{Tab:01} for abstract requirement and length according to article type.)

Keywords: EOFs, ENSO, volcanic aerosols, warming, Tropics, surface temperature
All article types: you may provide up to 8 keywords; at least 5 are mandatory.