Flow regimes and pressure drop of a composite tridimensional rotational
flow sieve tray under concurrent gas--liquid flow
- Shaofeng Zhang
, - Bingfang Liu,
- Hongkai Wang,
- Yan Liu,
- Dewu Wang,
- Meng Tang
, - Shijie Dai
A new type of composite tridimensional rotational flow sieve tray is
proposed. The flow pattern and operation domain of the tray were defined
and divided by the image shooting method, combined with the standard
deviation of the pressure difference sequence. There are membrane--drip
column and foam--embolic flow in the TRST area of the internal
packing--type tray, while bubbly and milk froth-ribbon flow are present
in the packing area of the external packing-type tray. This study
focused on the influence of the tray structure parameters on the
pressure drop. Under the experimental operating conditions, the dry
pressure drop was within 160 Pa, while the wet pressure drop was within
900 Pa. Under the same structural parameters, the internal packing--type
pressure drop of the tray was higher than that of the external
packing-type tray. A mathematical model of the pressure drop between dry
and wet trays was established.23 Nov 2021Submitted to AIChE Journal 07 Dec 2021Submission Checks Completed
07 Dec 2021Assigned to Editor
22 Dec 2021Reviewer(s) Assigned
18 Feb 2022Editorial Decision: Revise Major
01 Apr 20221st Revision Received
05 Apr 2022Submission Checks Completed
05 Apr 2022Assigned to Editor
09 Apr 2022Reviewer(s) Assigned
13 May 2022Editorial Decision: Accept