Informative/Abstract:Estimating streamflow is time and labour intensive due to the necessity of developing a rating curve. The development of a rating curve involves acquiring at least thirty in-field measurements of streamflow across a wide range of flow levels, which can be costly and impractical in remote regions with limited seasonal access. Here we showcase an automated system which accurately estimates streamflow multiple times each day, greatly facilitating the development of rating curves for remote or seasonally inaccessible sites. The system uses an emerging technique referred to as particle image velocimetry (PIV) to track the movement of objects and flow structure features on the mobile water surface to generate velocity vector grids. Velocity grids were used to calculate streamflow and facilitate the development of a rating curve. This represents the first use of an automated PIV system to estimate streamflow in small streams (< 5 m wide) and the first system to automatically distribute particles for facilitated PIV analysis.Keywords: Particle Image Velocimetry, Streamflow Monitoring, Automated Systems, Particle TracerFunding: This research was funded through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, the Canada-Ontario Agreement Fund, and the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology.