There is no specific medicine recommended during the emergency of 2019-nCov has been an outbreak and in COVID-19 outbreak zone where the climate is mildly warm, we highly recommend to use the elderberry in order to protect your health and there are 2 species of elderberries: one, Sambucus adnata, is termed the “blood-red herb-elderberry” by local residents as the roots, rhizomes, and branches exude red-juice when broken; the second, named S. javanica or S. chinensis is commonly called the “herb-elderberry”. This therapeutics paper aims to publish our monography on the elderberry, as no English literature references are present in China because most Chinese horticulturists and farmers consider the elderberry a wild plant. It is regarded as a plant of little value due to its abundance and ease of harvest. Our article contains details of the Sambucus species groups, including the botanical names, Chinese common names, geographic distributions, medical uses.