November 29, 2022
Scientific collaboration in the era of COVID-19
Alberto Pepe, Matteo Cavalleri, Benjamin D. Best, et al.
December 21, 2020
The Fork Factor: an academic impact factor based on reuse.
Ferdinando Pucci and Alberto Pepe
The Bones of the Milky Way
Alyssa Goodman, Tom Dame, João Alves, et al.
May 15, 2019
How To Write Mathematical Equations, Expressions, and Symbols with LaTeX: A cheatshee...
Authorea Help, Matteo Cantiello, Deyan Ginev, et al.
December 15, 2020
Supporting Information for "[article title]"
Matteo Cavalleri, Babak Mostaghaci, Floriano Cuccureddu, et al.
June 08, 2017
The arXiv of the future will not look like the arXiv
Alberto Pepe, Matteo Cantiello, Josh Nicholson, et al.
April 07, 2021
Publishing scientific papers in the 21st century
Matteo Cavalleri and Alberto Pepe
January 17, 2021
The "Paper" of the Future
Alyssa Goodman, Josh Peek, Alberto Accomazzi, et al.
October 07, 2020
A glimpse into the scientific paper of the future: fully computational and interactiv...
Alberto Pepe and Matteo Cavalleri
August 22, 2018
Getting Started with Authorea
Alberto Pepe and Jay Shenk
February 21, 2017
How many scholarly articles are written in LaTeX?      
Alberto Pepe
February 22, 2017
Science was always meant to be open
Alberto Pepe