Remarks on semi-linear σ-evolution equations with critical damping and
critical nonlinearity of derivative type
- Tuan Anh Dao
, - Nguyen Hai Son
Nguyen Hai Son
University of Science and Technology of Hanoi
Author ProfileAbstract
In this article, we indicate that under suitable assumptions of a
modulus of continuity we obtain either the global (in time) existence of
small data Sobolev solutions or the blow-up result of local (in time)
Sobolev solutions to semi-linear damped σ-evolution equations
with a modulus of continuity term in the nonlinearity of derivative
type. When the latter situation occurs, another novelty of this work is
to report sharp estimates for the lifespan of solutions, which have
never appeared in previous literature, by catching the upper bound and
the lower bound simultaneously.04 Oct 2024Submitted to Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 09 Oct 2024Submission Checks Completed
09 Oct 2024Assigned to Editor
17 Oct 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
25 Oct 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
17 Jan 2025Editorial Decision: Revise Major