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Chronic alteration of circadian rhythm is related to impaired lung function and immune response
  • +10
  • Helida C Aquino-Santos,
  • Jeanne S Tavares-Vasconcelos,
  • Maysa A R Brandao-Rangel,
  • Amanda C Araujo-Rosa,
  • Rayssa T Morais-Felix,
  • Simone Oliveira-Freitas,
  • Fernando A Santa-Rosa,
  • Luis Oliveira,
  • Andre L L Bachi,
  • Thiago G Gonçalves-Alves,
  • Amanda F F Barros,
  • Claudio R Frison,
  • Rodolfo Vieira
Helida C Aquino-Santos
Universidade Brasil

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile
Jeanne S Tavares-Vasconcelos
Physical Education Army School
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Maysa A R Brandao-Rangel
, Federal University of Sao Paulo
Author Profile
Amanda C Araujo-Rosa
Brazilian Institute of Teaching and Research in Pulmonary and Exercise Immunology (IBEPIPE)
Author Profile
Rayssa T Morais-Felix
Brazilian Institute of Teaching and Research in Pulmonary and Exercise Immunology (IBEPIPE)
Author Profile
Simone Oliveira-Freitas
Brazilian Institute of Teaching and Research in Pulmonary and Exercise Immunology (IBEPIPE)
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Fernando A Santa-Rosa
School of Physical Education of Military Police of State of São Paulo
Author Profile
Luis Oliveira
UniEVANGELICA University Centre of Anapolis
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Andre L L Bachi
Universidade de Santo Amaro
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Thiago G Gonçalves-Alves
Federal University of Sao Paulo
Author Profile
Amanda F F Barros
Universidade Brasil
Author Profile
Claudio R Frison
Brazilian Institute of Teaching and Research in Pulmonary and Exercise Immunology (IBEPIPE)
Author Profile
Rodolfo Vieira
Universidade Brasil
Author Profile


Background: Alterations of the circadian rhythm negatively impact several aspects of the health, including the lung function. Chronic shiftwork scale classically induces alterations in the circadian rhythm. However, its effects on pulmonary immune response are unknown. Aims: To evaluate the impact of chronic alteration of circadian rhythm on pulmonary function and immune response. Methods: In this context, a 12h x 24h and 12h x 48h work scale in shiftwork scale policemen (n = 25; 38,73±6,92 years old) were compared with fixed work scale (8h/day) civil men (n = 25; 34,00±9,60 years old) who were evaluated for perceived stress, sleepiness, physical activity levels, anthropometric characteristics, sleepiness levels, lung function, pulmonary and systemic cellular and humoral immune response. Results: Policemen presented increased levels of perceived stress (p<0.0008), impaired sleepiness (p<0.04) and lung function as demonstrated by reduced FVC (p<0.053) and FEV1 (p<0.043) when compared to civil men. In addition, increased levels of exhaled nitric oxide (p<0.037) and of IL-2 (p<0.0046) in the breath condensate revealed that policemen presented chronic lung inflammation compared to civil men. Although the whole blood analysis did not showed any differences between the two groups concerning the number of leukocytes, the humoral response revealed that policemen presented increased levels of IL-2 (p<0.002) and lower levels of IL-10 (p<0.001), clearly displaying a clinical status of low grade inflammation. Conclusions: Chronic alteration of circadian rhythm in shiftwork scale policemen results in impaired lung function, beyond to impair pulmonary and systemic immune function.
06 Apr 2020Submitted to International Journal of Clinical Practice
11 Apr 2020Submission Checks Completed
11 Apr 2020Assigned to Editor
12 Apr 2020Reviewer(s) Assigned
12 May 2020Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
25 May 20201st Revision Received
28 May 2020Submission Checks Completed
28 May 2020Assigned to Editor
28 May 2020Reviewer(s) Assigned
11 Jun 2020Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
12 Jun 2020Editorial Decision: Accept