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Introduction: In March 2020, the new coronavirus (COVID-19) spread throughout the world, causing respiratory disease and deaths, especially in risk groups such as the elderly, pregnant women, immunocompromised people, and others. The World Health Organization (WHO; WHO, English) declared, on January 30, 2020, that the outbreak of the disease caused by COVID-19 constitutes a Public Health Emergency of international importance. 6,287,771 cases of COVID-19 (93,246 new compared to the previous day) and 379,941 deaths (3,621 new compared to the previous day) were confirmed worldwide by June 3, 2020. In the Region of the Americas, 1,036,155 people who were infected with the new coronavirus recovered, according to data from June 3, 2020. In Brazil, on January 22, 2020, the Center for Emergency Operations in Public Health for COVID-19 has activated, a strategy provided for in the National Response Plan to Public Health Emergencies of the Ministry of Health (MH). Objective: To present, using a systematic review, the main considerations about the existing actions for notification, registration, investigation, management, and adoption of preventive measures on SARS-CoV-2 in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Methods: The present study followed a systematic review model. After literary search criteria using the MeSH terms, a total of 58 clinical studies were compared and submitted to eligibility analysis and, after that, 26 studies were selected, following the rules of PRISMA. The search strategy was carried out in the databases PubMed, Embase, Ovid and Cochrane Library, Web Of Science, ScienceDirect Journals (Elsevier), Scopus (Elsevier), OneFile. Main findings and Conclusion: It is recommended that patients diagnosed with SARS be hospitalized and that the cases identified with the symptoms of severity are admitted to an intensive care bed. These symptoms are persistent hemodynamic instability (blood pressure that did not respond to volume replacement (30 mL/kg in the first 3 hours), indicating the use of vasoactive amine, signs, and symptoms of respiratory failure, including hypoxemia (PaO2 below 60 mmHg) in need supplementation of oxygen to maintain arterial oxygen saturation above 90%, evolution to other organic disorders, such as acute renal failure and neurological dysfunction. It was defined that the clinical criteria for hospital discharge should take into account the improvement of the clinical picture, the absence of tachydyspnea and hypoxia, the absence of O2 supplementation for at least 24 hours, hemodynamic stability, good oral acceptance and absence of fever. Prophylactic use of antibiotics has not recommended, but use should be considered suspect of associated bacterial infection. Keywords: COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Prevention.
The objective of this work was to approach a freehand restorative technique for class IV in composite resin. The procedure was performed on a mannequin containing elements 12, 11,21 and 22, the technique was performed on element 21, the same was provided with the ready preparation, vestibular bevel, drill used with 1190 tapered diamond tip, the resins of choice were CT, dentin A3, body A3, WB and enamel A2 all from Z350 - 3M, as each contains different chromas. Today for restorations on teeth older than 3M it is the best option on the market, with the patent for nanoparticulate resins. The professional must learn the rules of aesthetics of natural teeth for the use of these materials. Treating that natural teeth are polychromatic, while composite resins are monochromatic. Given the existence of a wide variety of resins and technical possibilities, the following text proposes a clinical sequence of reconstruction of anterior teeth with compromised incisal angle due to fracture or caries. Restorative rehabilitation, in addition to promoting health, provides a favorable aesthetic appearance for the smile of the patient, thus raising the patient's self-esteem. The introduction of the acid conditioning technique and the development of adhesive systems associated with improvements in the mechanical properties of composite resins have provided new perspectives for aesthetic dentistry. Keywords: Restoration. Composite resin. Anterior teeth. Class IV anterior teeth. Direct restorative technique. 
AIM: To analyze the results regarding weight loss and complications with Spatz3® adjustable intragastric balloon (IGB) in Brazil. METHODS: In this randomized prospective study were included patients that were submitted to Spatz3® adjustable IGB treatment between October 2016 to June 2018 in a private clinic in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil. The patients presented a minimum body mass index (BMI) of 27kg/m². Were analyzed the complications of Spatz3® treatment and BMI reduction, percentage of total weight loss (%TWL) and % of excess weight loss (%EWL). RESULTS: 180 patients underwent implant Spatz3® balloon in the period. The patients were randomly separated in one group the Spatz balloon kept the same volume (600 mL) during all the treatment (Control Group), and adjustment group with 250 mL more. The complications were 16.14%. No death or major complications happened in the study. The BMI decreased from 39.51 to 32.84 kg/m² (p<0.0001), body weight decreased from 111.87 to 90.28 kg (p<0.0001) and excess weight diminished from 41.55 to 22.99kg (p<0.0001). The adjustment resulted in a further mean weight loss of 4,35kg (-8 to 17.6kg) and the moment of the procedure was 7.12±1.63 months. The upward adjustment group doesn´t have a higher %TWL, %EWL or a higher BMI reduction when compared to the control group (p=0.4413, p=0,9245, p=0.2729, respectively).CONCLUSION: This study shows that Spatz3® IGB treatment is an effective procedure for weight reduction, without mortality but with higher morbidity rates when compared to tradition IGBs. The upward adjustment efficacy still needs to be confirmed.
Introduction: The term growth hormone secretagogues (GHS) encompasses compounds that were developed to increase growth release of growth hormone (GH). GHSs include growth hormone receptor secretagogue agonists (GHS-R), whose natural ligand is ghrelin, and growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) agonists, to which GHRH binds as a native ligand. In the context of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARM), the presence of a Toll-IL-1 receptor domain (TIR) predicts a role for SARMs in innate immunity. SARMs are an emerging class of therapies aimed at cachexia, sarcopenia and hypogonadism or treatment of stress urinary incontinence, osteoporosis, breast cancer and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Objective: To present the state-of-the-art scientific evidence in humans on the use of growth hormone secretagogues, SARM and antagonists. Methods: Experimental and clinical studies were included (case reports, retrospective, prospective, randomized studies and systematic review) with qualitative and/or quantitative analysis. For further specifications, the description “Clinical Trail” for refinement was added during the research, following the rules of the systematic review-PRISMA. Of 384 articles, a total of 80 articles were evaluated in full and 58 were included and discussed in this study. Results and conclusion: Several clinical trials have been conducted and completed to assess the safety and efficacy of GHS for the diagnosis and / or treatment of GH deficiency. Over the past two decades, scientists' efforts have focused on the discovery and biological characterization of new tissue-specific SARM to promote the beneficial effects of androgens with greatly reduced undesirable side effects. In this regard, numerous studies with SARM of different structures have been reported. Despite evidenced clinical and preclinical studies, no SARM has yet received full clinical approval. Keywords: Growth hormone secretagogues. Peptides. SARM. Antagonists. Clinical Studies.