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A review on the Xenobiotic and role of drug metabolizing enzymes and their challenges and strategies to cope up these challenges Noor-ul-ain
  • Dr. Noor ul Ain,
  • Talha Bin Saeed
Dr. Noor ul Ain

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Talha Bin Saeed
Department of pharmacy, The University of Faisalabad, Department of internal medicine, Allied hospital Faisalabad, Department of Pharmacy, The University of Faisalabad


The metabolism of xenobiotic can be elaborated as breakdown of gulped exterior specks. Subsequently acclimatization of exogenous particles by means of host cells, liver Plays its part as the principal location of biotransformation. Anatomical, morphological as well as physiological features of liver create its specific characteristics of acting as a metabolic site of body. The DMEs (Drug-metabolizing enzymes) are the type of enzymes which are useful for biotransformation of a number of drugs and other xenobiotics. These enzymes are consists of a group of proteins which can leads to metabolism of drugs as well as a immense assortment of compounds termed as xenobiotics encompassing those as ecological toxins as well as endogenous amalgams as the steroids as well as some prostaglandins. For the sake of decontamination of several extraneous besides endogenous compounds, the DMEs in addition to transporters play indispensable task. Introduction: