Directeur Recherche CNRS
I am a population geneticist interested in the study of the processes involved in the patterns and the dynamics of genetic diversity within a species. My work focuses on the analysis of the relative role played by the reproductive system (i.e. clonal propagation vs sexual reproduction; selfing vs hermaphroditism; maintenance of sexual polymorphism as gynodioecy and androdioecy) and dispersal capability in shaping the genetic architecture of species. I have also been involved in several theoretical studies related to life history evolution: (i.e. evolution of mating system and evolution of diploidy). I am also interested in the role of hybridization and its effect on speciation that I have studied using a combination of experimental approaches and population genetics structure analyses. Finally, part of my research activities also focuses on the processes that cause changes in marine coastal biodiversity in relation to climate-oceanographic change and human activities at both community and population levels such as conservation genetics and biodiversity of kelp forest and evolution of seaweed domestication
Station Biologique de Roscoff
August 04, 2020
Lauric REYNES, Thierry Thibaut, Stephane Mauger, et al.