An anatomical model for SARS-CoV-2 entry into mastoid and middle ear in
COVID-19 patients
- Chiman Kumari
, - Ishani Bora,
- Ravikant Narayan
, - Ashutosh Kumar

Ishani Bora
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
Author ProfileRavikant Narayan

All India Institute of Medical Sciences - Patna
Author ProfileAshutosh Kumar

All India Institute of Medical Sciences - Patna
Author ProfileAbstract
Recently Frazier et al detected SARS-CoV-2 virus in autopsy samples from
middle ear and mastoid of COVID-19 deceased. Our article presents an
anatomical model for the possible route by which SARS-CoV-2 may pass
into the middle ear cavity and hence to the mastoid cavity. The anatomic
correlation explained in this article will not only help in explaining
the pathological basis of the findings presented by Frazier et al but
will also imply for the precautionary measures to be taken while dealing
with COVID-19 patients with otolaryngeal problems.2021Published in Journal of the Anatomical Society of India volume 70 issue 4 on pages 262. 10.4103/jasi.jasi_45_21