Blow - up of solutions of wave equation with a nonlinear boundary
condition and interior focusing source of variable order of growth
- Akbar Aliev
, - Gulshan Shafieva
In this paper, being investigated an initial - boundary value problem
for a one - dimensional wave equation with a nonlinear source of
variable order and nonlinear dissipation at the boundary. The existence
of a local solution of the problem under consideration is proved. Then
the question of the absence of global solutions is investigated.
Depending on the relationship between the order of growth of the
nonlinear source and the nonlinear boundary dissipation, different
results are obtained on the blow - up of weak solutions in a finite time
interval.08 Jun 2022Submitted to Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 09 Jun 2022Submission Checks Completed
09 Jun 2022Assigned to Editor
28 Jun 2022Reviewer(s) Assigned
28 Jun 2022Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
28 Jun 2022Editorial Decision: Accept
29 Jul 2022Published in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 10.1002/mma.8572