E. Natasha Stavros

and 23 more

Observations of Planet Earth from space are a critical resource for science and society. Satellite measurements represent very large investments and United States (US) agencies organize their effort to maximize the return on that investment. The US National Research Council conducts a survey of earth science and applications to prioritize observations for the coming decade. The most recent survey prioritized a visible to shortwave infrared imaging spectrometer and a multi-spectral thermal infrared imager to meet a range of needs. First, and perhaps, foremost, it will be the premier integrated observatory for observing the emerging impacts of climate change . It will characterize the diversity of plant life by resolving chemical and physiological signatures. It will address wildfire, observing pre-fire risk, fire behavior and post-fire recovery. It will inform responses to hazards and disasters guiding responses to a wide range of events, including oil spills, toxic minerals in minelands, harmful algal blooms, landslides and other geological hazards. The SBG team analyzed needed instrument characteristics (spatial, temporal and spectral resolution, measurement uncertainty) and assessed the cost, mass, power, volume, and risk of different architectures. The Research and Applications team examined available algorithms, calibration and validation and societal applications and used end-to-end modeling to assess uncertainty. The team also identified valuable opportunities for international collaboration to increase the frequency of revisit through data sharing, adding value for all partners. Analysis of the science, applications, architecture and partnerships led to a clear measurement strategy and a well-defined observing system architecture.

Ann Raiho

and 14 more

The retrival algorithms used for optical remote sensing satellite data to estimate Earth’s geophysical properties have specific requirements for spatial resolution, temporal revisit, spectral range and resolution, and instrument signal to noise ratio (SNR) performance to meet science objectives. Studies to estimate surface properties from hyperspectral data use a range of algorithms sensitive to various sources of spectroscopic uncertainty, which are in turn influenced by mission architecture choices. Retrieval algorithms vary across scientific fields and may be more or less sensitive to mission architecture choices that affect spectral, spatial, or temporal resolutions and spectrometer SNR. We used representative remote sensing algorithms across terrestrial and aquatic study domains to inform aspects of mission design that are most important for impacting accuracy in each scientific area. We simulated the propagation of uncertainties in the retrieval process including the effects of different instrument configuration choices. We found that retrieval accuracy and information content degrade consistently at >10 nm spectral resolution, >30 m spatial resolution, and >8 day revisit. In these studies, the noise reduction associated with lower spatial resolution improved accuracy vis à vis high spatial resolution measurements. The interplay between spatial resolution, temporal revisit and SNR can be quantitatively assessed for imaging spectroscopy missions and used to identify key components of algorithm performance and mission observing criteria.

Benjamin Poulter

and 20 more

Imaging spectroscopy is a remote-sensing technique that retrieves reflectances across visible to shortwave infrared wavelengths at high spectral resolution (<10 nm). Spectroscopic reflectance data provide novel information on the properties of the Earth’s terrestrial and aquatic surfaces. Until recently, imaging spectroscopy missions were limited spatially and temporally using airborne instruments, such as the Next Generation Airborne Visible InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-NG), providing the main source of observations. Here, we present a land-surface modeling framework to help support end-to-end traceability of emerging imaging spectroscopy spaceborne missions. The LPJ-wsl dynamic global vegetation model is coupled with the canopy radiative transfer model, PROSAIL, to generate global, gridded, daily visible to shortwave infrared (VSWIR) spectra. LPJ-wsl variables are cross-walked to meet required PROSAIL parameters, which include leaf structure, Chlorophyll a+b, brown pigment, equivalent water thickness, and dry matter content. Simulated spectra are compared to a boreal forest site, a temperate forest, managed grassland, and a tropical forest site using reflectance data from canopy imagers mounted on towers and from air and spaceborne platforms. We find that canopy nitrogen and leaf-area index are the most uncertain variables in translating LPJ-wsl to PROSAIL parameters but at first order, LPJ-PROSAIL successfully simulates surface reflectance dynamics. Future work will optimize functional relationships required for improving PROSAIL parameters and include the development of the LPJ-model to represent improvements in leaf water content and canopy nitrogen. The LPJ-PROSAIL model can support missions such as NASA’s Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) and higher-level modeled products.

Kerry Cawse-Nicholson

and 10 more

High-resolution space-based spectral imaging of the Earth’s surface delivers critical information for monitoring changes in the Earth system as well as resource management and utilization. Orbiting spectrometers are built according to multiple design parameters, including ground sampling distance (GSD), spectral resolution, temporal resolution, and signal-to-noise. The different applications drive divergent instrument designs, so optimization for wide-reaching missions is complex. The Surface Biology and Geology component of NASA’s Earth System Observatory addresses science questions and meets applications needs across diverse fields, including terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, natural disasters, and the cryosphere. The algorithms required to generate the geophysical variables from the observed spectral imagery each have their own inherent dependencies and sensitivities, and weighting these objectively is challenging. Here, we introduce intrinsic dimensionality (ID), a measure of information content, as an applications-agnostic, data-driven metric to quantify performance sensitivity to various design parameters. ID is computed through the analysis of the eigenvalues of the image covariance matrix, and can be thought of as the number of significant principal components. This metric is extremely powerful for quantifying the information content in high-dimensional data, such as spectrally resolved radiances and their changes over space and time. We find that the intrinsic dimensionality decreases for coarser GSD, decreased spectral resolution and range, less frequent acquisitions, and lower signal-to-noise levels. This decrease in information content has implications for all derived products. Intrinsic dimensionality is simple to compute, providing a single quantitative standard to evaluate combinations of design parameters, irrespective of higher-level algorithms, products, applications, or disciplines.

Lei Ma

and 9 more

Climate mitigation and forest management require accurate information on carbon stocks, fluxes, and potential future sequestration potential. Previous large-scale estimates have substantial uncertainties arising from lack of data, heterogeneity of forest structure, and modeling limitations. However, recent local-to-regional studies suggest that combination of lidar-derived canopy height with an advanced 3-D ecosystem model that explicitly tracks vegetation height (i.e. Ecosystem Demography, ED) can reduce uncertainties and provide mapped estimates of these quantities at high-spatial resolution over policy relevant domains. Extending this approach to the global scale requires both a source of global lidar data height data and a global height structured ecosystem model. The NASA GEDI mission provides precise measurements of forest canopy height and vertical structure with great potential for global carbon cycle modelling. Here we present recent development and calibration of ED-global (v1.0) and its evaluation simulations against heterogeneous sources of satellite observations and field measurements. ED-global estimates of vegetation carbon stocks and fluxes, vegetation distribution and structure will be examined across various temporal and spatial scales from seasonal to inter-annual and also from grid cell to biome. The developed ED-global will serve as base model of NASA’s GEDI mission to answer the key science questions: What is the carbon balance of Earth’s forests? And how will the land surface mitigate atmospheric CO2 in the future?