To determine potential drivers of the global distribution of ploidy in
aquatic macrophyte species we allocated ploidy state to 1572 species
occurring in 238 10 × 10° gridcells worldwide. Analysis of the
relationship of 16 global-scale spatial, landscape, environmental, and
biotic variables with ploidy state using Boosted Regression Trees
revealed temperature variables and evapotranspiration as the strongest
predictors. There were contrasting latitudinal patterns between
haploid/diploid and polyploid species, while species richness measures
also influenced ploidy state. Polyploid species occupied larger
geographical ranges than haploid/diploid species. Mixed ploidy species
showed the highest latitudinal range size and maximum latitude of
species occurrence. Our findings suggest that increased chromosome
number is associated with tolerance of a wider range of environmental
conditions in macrophyte species. Mixed ploidy could reflect
adaptability to expand geographical occurrence via chromosome number
change, with such species predominantly occupying a latitude range
intermediate between haploid/diploid and polyploid macrophyte dominance.