A Case of AVNRT Resistant to Ablation with Conventional Non-irrigated
Catheter after Tricuspid Valve Replacement
- Hakan Gökalp Uzun
, - Selim Ekinci
, - Ersin Çağrı Şimşek
Hakan Gökalp Uzun

Izmir Il Saglik Mudurlugu Izmir Saglik Bilimleri Universitesi Tepecik Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi
Corresponding Author:[email protected]
Author ProfileSelim Ekinci

Izmir Il Saglik Mudurlugu Izmir Saglik Bilimleri Universitesi Tepecik Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi
Author ProfileErsin Çağrı Şimşek
Izmir Il Saglik Mudurlugu Izmir Saglik Bilimleri Universitesi Tepecik Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi
Author ProfileAbstract
Arrhythmia ablation in patients status post valve replacement is
difficult due to distorted anatomy caused by the underlying disease and
the prosthetic material overlying the arrhythmic substrate. Here we
report a case of AVNRT ablation resistant to ablation with a
conventional non-irrigated catheter after tricuspid valve replacement.