Harvesting can stabilize population fluctuations and buffer the impacts
of extreme climatic events
- Bart Peeters
, - Vidar Grøtan
, - Marlène Gamelon,
- Vebjørn Veiberg,
- Aline Magdalena Lee
, - John Fryxell
, - Steve Albon,
- Bernt-Erik Sæther
, - Steinar Engen,
- Leif Loe
, - Brage Hansen
Vidar Grøtan

Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Author ProfileAline Magdalena Lee

Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Author ProfileSteinar Engen
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Author ProfileBrage Hansen
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Author ProfileAbstract
Harvesting can magnify the destabilizing effects of environmental
perturbations on population dynamics and, thereby, increase extinction
risk. However, population-dynamic theory predicts that impacts of
harvesting depend on the type and strength of density-dependent
regulation. Here, we used logistic population growth models and an
empirical reindeer case study to show that low to moderate harvesting
can actually buffer populations against environmental perturbations.
This occurs because of density-dependent environmental stochasticity,
where negative environmental impacts on vital rates are amplified at
high population density due to intraspecific resource competition.
Simulations from our population models show that even low levels of
harvesting may prevent overabundance, thereby dampening population
fluctuations and reducing the risk of population collapse and
quasi-extinction following environmental perturbations. Thus, depending
on the species' life history and the strength of density-dependent
environmental drivers, low to moderate harvesting can improve population
resistance to increased climate variability and extreme weather expected
under global warming.30 Oct 2021Submitted to Ecology Letters 02 Nov 2021Submission Checks Completed
02 Nov 2021Assigned to Editor
17 Nov 2021Reviewer(s) Assigned
15 Dec 2021Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
16 Dec 2021Editorial Decision: Accept