Molecular-level reaction network in delayed coking process based on
structure-oriented lumping
- Lei Ye
, - Biao Xing,
- Jichang Liu
, - Xinglong Qin,
- Wenxin Yu,
- Jinquan Xie,
- Lixin Hou,
- Hangzhou Wang,
- Ye Ji,
- Diannan Lu
Biao Xing
East China University of Science and Technology
Author ProfileJichang Liu

East China University of Science and Technology
Author ProfileXinglong Qin
East China University of Science and Technology
Author ProfileWenxin Yu
East China University of Science and Technology
Author ProfileJinquan Xie
East China University of Science and Technology
Author ProfileLixin Hou
East China University of Science and Technology
Author ProfileHangzhou Wang
China Petroleum Planning and Engineering Institute
Author ProfileAbstract
Based on the structure-oriented lumping method, a molecular-level
reaction kinetic model of the delayed coking process, which adopted 24
structural increments to construct the feed molecular matrix containing
2,944 molecules, was established with a reaction network containing
74,581 reactions using MATLAB. The reliability of the model was verified
by experimental results. According to the discriminant rules of
structural increments, 173 structural vectors in gasoline and 1,132
structural vectors in diesel were classified into different group
compositions, respectively. The model could track the reaction path of
any specific molecule in the complex thermal cracking reaction network.
The influences of operation conditions such as recycle ratio on the
product distribution could be discovered through the calculation of the
molecular-level model, which is helpful for the process optimization and
precise regulation of product composition for the delayed coking plants.