A shift to metapopulation genetic management for persistence of a
species threatened by fragmentation: the case of an endangered
Australian freshwater fish
In a world where habitats are degrading and the climate is warming and
becoming increasingly unpredictable, biodiversity conservation efforts
and funding remain grossly inadequate. There is a clear need to shift
from preserving small, remnant populations to a model of genetically
connecting populations that recreate larger and more diverse populations
in climate-secure environments. This is crucial to harness key
evolutionary processes to promote species’ ability to adapt to changing
environments and to increase the likelihood of population persistence.
Here, we use the endangered Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica) as
a case study to develop a genetic strategy for metapopulation management
aimed at promoting population growth and persistence. Macquarie perch
habitat has been highly fragmented and remaining habitat is at risk of
catastrophic degradation due to climate change. We integrate results of
new and existing genetic analyses to illustrate how genetically
depauperate populations can benefit from admixture, and how the outcomes
of management interventions can be quantified through genetic
monitoring. We also develop the pipeline JeDi
(https://github.com/drobledoruiz/JeDi) for estimating unbiased genetic
heterozygosity for individuals and populations (nucleotide diversity)
from reduced-representation genome sequencing data. We use this pipeline
to estimate baseline data for monitoring of Macquarie perch populations
and show that combining two genetic sources of migrants during
population restoration resulted in doubling of nucleotide diversity
compared to either source. Genetic diversity estimated using our
pipeline is comparable across studies, datasets and species, and
suitable for evaluating the rate of global biodiversity change.