Dynamic thiol/disulphide balance in patients undergoing hypotensive
anesthesia in elective septoplasties
Objective: We aimed to investigate the effects of hypotensive anesthesia
on oxidative stress with serum thiol/disulfide balance in patients
undergoing elective septoplasty procedures under general anesthesia.
Methods: Seventy-two patients between the ages of 18-60, with a physical
condition I –II, according to the American Society of
Anesthesiologists, were included in this prospective observational
study. Septoplasty was chosen for standard surgical stress. According to
the maintenance of anesthesia, patients were divided into the groups as
Hypotensive Anesthesia (n = 40) and Normotensive Anesthesia (n = 32).
Serum thiol/disulfide levels were measured by the method developed by
Erel & Neşelioğlu. Results: The native thiol and total thiol values of
both groups measured at the 60th minute intraoperatively were
significantly lower than the preoperative values (both p <
0.01). Intraoperatively, at the 60th minute, there was no significant
difference in terms of post-native thiol and post-total thiol levels
between hypotensive and normotensive anesthesia groups (p = 0.68, and p
= 0.81, respectively). Age > 40 years and female gender
were found to have a significant effect on dynamic oxidative stress (p =
0.002, and p = 0.001, respectively). Conclusion: This pilot study has
found that hypotensive anesthesia had no adverse effect on dynamic
thiol/disulfide balance in elective surgeries.