Using Automated Suture Fastening System For Securing Aortic Cannulation
Sites In Minimally-Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery
- Abdullah Nasif
, - Saqib Masroor

Saqib Masroor

The University of Toledo Department of Surgery
Author ProfileAbstract
Cor-Knot device is an automated suture fastening system which was
introduced to minimize the operating time during cardiac surgery. It is
currently being used for intracardiac suturing applications such as
implanting valves or rings during aortic and mitral valve surgery
primarily for shortening the procedure time. It also has higher holding
pressures and more consistent holding pressures than manual knots. We
describe here the use of Cor-Knot device in extracardiac suturing to
secure aortic root vent as well as aortic cannulation during minimally
invasive cardiac surgery. A 60-year-old male with mitral valve
endocarditis underwent minimally invasive mitral valve replacement via
right mini thoracotomy. Direct ascending aortic cannulation was
performed through a separate port. Cor-Knots were successfully used to
secure the purse-string sutures after decannulation at the end of the