Severe thrombocytopenia caused by vancomycin in the intensive care unit:
a case report and systematic review
Thrombocytopenia can cause substantial morbidity and mortality in
critically ill patients. There are multiple etiology factors and various
mechanisms associated with thrombocytopenia, of which drug-induced
thrombocytopenia (DITP) deserves attention. Herein, we describe a case
of severe thrombocytopenia during intensive care unit (ICU)
hospitalization that was probable to be associated with vancomycin. In
addition, clinical studies evaluating thrombocytopenia caused by
vancomycin were systematically reviewed and 6 studies with acceptable
quality were included and analyzed. By revealing the process of
identifying this case of DITP and reviewing relevant clinical studies, a
risk alert of vancomycin related severe hematotoxicity should be focused