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A third (fourth) order stable computational scheme for 2D Burgers type nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations on a non-uniformly spaced grid network
  • Navnit Jha,
  • Madhav Wagley
Navnit Jha
South Asian University
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Madhav Wagley
Florida A&M University

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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An implicit compact scheme is proposed to approximate the solution of parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) of Burger’s type in two-dimensions. These nonlinear PDEs are essential because of the description of various mechanisms in engineering and physics. The nonlinear convective and advection are discretized with high-order accuracy on an arbitrary grid, which results in a family of high-resolution discrete replacements of given PDEs. The essence of the new scheme lies in its compact character and two-level single-cell discretization so that one discrete equation leads to the accuracy of orders three or four depending upon the choice of the grid network. The consistency and stability preserving third-order spatial accuracy and second-order accurate time discretization are described by Fourier analysis applied to the linearized error equations. The scheme is used for solving celebrated nonlinear PDEs, such as the non-degenerate convection-diffusion equation, generalized Burgers-Huxley equation, Buckley-Leverett equation, and Burgers-Fisher equation. Many computational results are presented to demonstrate the high-resolution character of the newly proposed scheme.