Is coronary artery transfer still the jugular for the arterial switch
- Sandeep Sainathan
, - Leonardo Mulinari

Sandeep Sainathan

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Author ProfileLeonardo Mulinari

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Author ProfileAbstract
The outcomes of the arterial switch operation have improved over a
period of time with the elimination of coronary artery anatomy as a risk
factor for operative mortality in some series. However, cumulatively,
when all the series published so far are analyzed, two coronary
variations, namely the single sinus coronary artery origin and
intramural type, persist as risk factors for an adverse operative
outcome.16 Aug 2022Submitted to Journal of Cardiac Surgery 17 Aug 2022Submission Checks Completed
17 Aug 2022Assigned to Editor
17 Aug 2022Editorial Decision: Accept
Nov 2022Published in Journal of Cardiac Surgery volume 37 issue 11 on pages 3825-3826. 10.1111/jocs.16901