College Training And Placement System
- Kamal Acharya

The system focuses on automation of conventional training and placement management system. This system can be used as an application for the Training & Placement Officers in the college to manage the student information with regard to placement and providing assistance using the assistance portal where students can post their query to the TPO and coordinators. Providing Student login helping them to update their personal and educational information in a form which will be added to the database and upload a resume and providing them with preparation materials for placements. An additional feature of the portal is a Company Tab which will be providing assistance to the companies to shortlist the students as per their eligibility criteria. It reduces the manual work and consumes less paperwork to reduce the time. Front end of the system is developed with the help of CSS, Bootstrap, and HTML. Backend of this system will be managed with the help of PHP, Android and XML. Database management of this system will be done with the help of MYSQL database. Online Training and Placement system automates activities of Training and placement cell and place the best coordination between student. It provide student community to use collective intelligence to increase selection ratio and eases out process of creation of management information automatically. Online Training and Placement focuses on automation of placement cell. Authorizing the CV, communicating about the various job openings to the student community, managing the corporate relationship for inviting them for the placements as well other activities, monitoring the progress of the selection process and communicating with different users.