- Kamal Acharya

The "Student Information Management System" is prepared or operates to maintain the records of student in school as well as in college. Student Information Management System deals with the all the activities done by computers such as registration admission process online , and staff and class management etc all these process are handled by the computer management system. The student record can be maintained online for the distance accessible to the entire student and their parents. Without the student management system managing and maintaining the details student is tedious job for any organization. Student information system will store all the detailed of the students including their background information, educational qualifications, Personal details and all the information related to their resume. Suppose we have 1000 of student from this we have to search a particular student we know the name of the student. In a manual system it is a tedious task through we know the name of student but using the module we can easily search the student by specifying the name of student in the search criteria. Thus module will help the administrator in searching the student with the various criteria. This student management system also contained the registration module and account management. This module will help the student get registered from anywhere if the internet is present. This module really simplifies the works on paper registration. Also after successful registration the user can update information and changed their password as when required This student management system also contained the user module. This module will help administrator enabling and disable a user account and change their password when they required.