July 17, 2024
High quality diet enhances immune response and affects gene expression during viral i...
Su'ad Yoon, Kevin So, Josh Harrison, et al.
March 11, 2024
High quality diet enhances immune response during viral infection in an insect herbiv...
Su'ad Yoon, Kevin So, Josh Harrison, et al.
May 23, 2023
Variation in the strength of local and regional determinants of herbivory across the...
Tara Massad, André Rangel Nascimento, Diego Campos, et al.
November 15, 2022
Broad patterns in the distribution of herbivory are elusive due to the importance of...
Tara Massad, André Rangel Nascimento, Diego Campos, et al.
August 08, 2022
A continental-scale survey of Wolbachia infections in blue butterflies reveals eviden...
Vivaswat Shastry , Katherine Bell, C. Alex Buerkle, et al.