Exploring sensitivities to hydropeaking in Atlantic salmon parr using
individual based modelling
Hydropeaking (the release of water pulses at hydropower plants) results
in temporary reductions in river channel water-covered area downstream,
which may cause fish mortality through stranding. We used a mechanistic
modelling approach to examine how, both, the form of the hydropeaking
cycle, and the characteristics of the affected fish, control how
hydropeaking may cause stranding mortality of fish. We modelled the
response of Atlantic parr to hydropeaking in a regulated watercourse in
central Norway (the River Nidelva) using an individual-based population
model designed explicitly to examine fish behavior and stranding
mortality during hydropeaking. A response to hydropeaking, involving
migration from the river banks toward the mid-channel on down-ramping,
and a return to the river banks on up-ramping, was based on individuals
being parameterized to migrate to habitat properties that spatially
changed throughout the hydropeaking cycle. We found that stranding
mortality was strongly dependent on both the form of the hydropeaking
cycle and on the fish response. Total stranding mortality was more
dependent on the down-ramping speed than the duration of the minimum
flow period. Total stranding mortality was greatest when there was a low
movement speed, leading to individuals being stranded, combined with a
high probability of dying per unit of time when stranded. Given the
sensitivity of mortality to the fish response, and the lack of detailed
field studies quantifying this, we conclude that this area requires
further controlled studies for parameterizing models used to predict
effects of hydropeaking on fish.