On the left or on the right…side of the table. Where do you
- Arnaldo Dimagli
, - Gianni Angelini

Being able to perform surgery first-hand represents the backbone of
every training program and the key to successful development of the new
generation of skilful surgeons. In this issue of the Journal, Comanici
et al. presented a thorough systematic summary of the current evidence
on the outcomes of cardiothoracic operations performed by trainees.1
Taking for granted the importance of training young surgeons, it is
paramount to identify and tackle any potential obstacles hindering the
surgical growth of a trainee.25 Aug 2022Submitted to Journal of Cardiac Surgery 26 Aug 2022Submission Checks Completed
26 Aug 2022Assigned to Editor
26 Aug 2022Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
26 Aug 2022Editorial Decision: Accept
Nov 2022Published in Journal of Cardiac Surgery volume 37 issue 11 on pages 3799-3800. 10.1111/jocs.16935