“Of clots and failures” A case of Covid causing STEMI and subsequent
heart failure ultimately requiring LVAD
- Zauraiz Anjum,
- David Song,
- Sidra Naz,
- Vaibhav Shah ,
- Saifur Rehman,
- Devesh Rai ,
- Nishan Pokhrel
, - Vikash Jaiswal

Nishan Pokhrel

Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine
Author ProfileAbstract
COVID-19 is known to cause hypercoagulable and pro-inflammatory states
and increase the risk of cardiovascular events. We present a case of a
57-year-old female with prior COVID who subsequently developed a STEMI
requiring LVAD due to new-onset heart failure. There are no similar
reports of this cardiovascular complication in COVID-19.