Concealed His Extrasystoles: A Masquerader of AV Block
- Rady Ho
, - Jeremy Ruskin,
- Chee Yuan Ng
Rady Ho

Cardiac Arrhythmia Unit Heart Center Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston MA
Corresponding Author:[email protected]
Author ProfileJeremy Ruskin
Cardiac Arrhythmia Unit Heart Center Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston MA
Author ProfileChee Yuan Ng
Cardiac Arrhythmia Unit Heart Center Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston MA
Author ProfileAbstract
Concealed His extrasystoles are a well-known masquerader of AV block. It
is therefore necessary to consider pseudo AV block in patients who
develop unexpected AV block without a clear etiology. In this report, we
present a case of a 46-year-old female who was found to have
pseudo-Mobitz II AV block secondary to His extrasystoles diagnosed on
surface ECG without requiring invasive electrophysiology study. We also
demonstrated in this patient that flecainide can be an effective
treatment for His extrasystoles.