VCFPOP: performing population genetics analyses for polyploids and
anisoploids based on next-generation sequencing variant calling dataset
Polyploids are cells or organisms with a genome consisting of more than
two sets of homologous chromosomes. Polyploid plants have important
traits that facilitate speciation and are thus often model systems for
evolutionary, molecular ecology and agricultural studies. However, due
to their unusual mode of inheritance and dou-ble-reduction, diploid
models of population genetic analysis cannot properly be ap-plied to
polyploids. To overcome this problem, we developed a software package
en-titled VCFPOP to perform a variety of population genetic analyses for
autopolyploids, such as parentage analysis, analysis of molecular
variance, principal coordinates analysis, hierarchical clustering
analysis and Bayesian clustering. We make this soft-ware freely
available, downloadable from