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bivariatemaps: An R Package to Create Bivariate Maps and Grid-Intersected Shapes Based on Area Coverage
  • José Hidasi Neto
José Hidasi Neto
Universidade Federal de Goiás

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Bivariate maps have been published in studies since the 70s, but only in the 2010s the method became more used by the general public, including scientists from low-profit universities. Here I present my new R package, bivariatemaps, capable of three things: making color matrices with different quantile numbers, making a bivariate map from two rasters and a color matrix, and making gridded shapefiles while excluding cells based on area coverage. The package basically has three functions: colmat, bivariate.map and GridFilter. I show the steps in order to generate a bivariate map and show how this method can be used in the most distinct scientific areas. The package is available in both Github and CRAN (R repository) and is freely available and customizable by anyone who wants to use it.