Marangoni convection in a hybrid nanofluid filled cylindrical annular
enclosure with sinusoidal temperature distribution
- B Kanimozhi,
- Muthtamil selvan,
- Qasem Al-Mdallal

The current research numerically investigates the Marangoni convection
in a cylindrical annulus filled with hybrid nanofluid saturated porous
media. The interior and exterior walls are subjected to spatially
varying sinusoidal thermal distributions with various amplitude ratios
and phase deviations. The limits at the top and bottom are adiabatic. To
solve the system of non-dimensional governing equations, the finite
difference approach is applied. The major goal of the ongoing study is
to investigate the impact of the Marangoni convection, amplitude ratio
and phase deviation on the fluid flow, thermal characteristics, local
and average Nusselt numbers in the hybrid nanofluid filled vertical
cylindrical annulus with magnetic effects. The findings indicate that
the sinusoidal temperature promotes multicellular flow in the porous
annular region. In the annulus with sinusoidal boundaries, the Marangoni
number underperforms while the nanoparticle volume fraction outperforms.