Global well-posedness and energy decay for a one dimensional
porous-elastic system subject to a neutral delay
- Sara Labidi
, - Sami Loucif,
- Houssem Eddine Khochemane,,
- Abdelhak Djebabla
Sami Loucif
Laboratory of Mathematics, Informatics and systems (LAMIS), University of Larbi Tebessi
Author ProfileHoussem Eddine Khochemane,
Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Enseignement Technologique de Skikda
Author ProfileAbdelhak Djebabla
Universite Badji Mokhtar Annaba Departement de Mathematiques
Author ProfileAbstract
In this article, we consider a one-dimensional porous-elastic system
with porous-viscosity and a distributed delay of neutral type. First, we
prove the global existence and uniqueness of the solution by using the
Faedo--Galerkin approximations along with some energy estimates. Then,
based on the energy method and by constructing a suitable Lyapunov
functional as well as under an appropriate assumptions on the kernel of
neutral delay term, we show that despite of the destructive nature of
delays in general, the damping mechanism considered provockes an
exponential decay of the solution for the case of equal speed of wave
propagation. In the case of lack of exponential stability, we show that
the solution decays polynomially.