July 16, 2024
Human impacts on Great Lakes walleye Sander vitreus gene flow, diversity, and local a...
Peter Euclide, Heiner Kuhl, Chris Wilson, et al.
November 22, 2023
Multi-genome comparisons reveal gain-and-loss evolution of the anti-Mullerian hormone...
Heiner Kuhl, Peter Euclide, Christophe Klopp, et al.
May 10, 2023
Is structural variation necessary to create islands of divergence in moderate gene fl...
Peter Euclide, Wes Larson, Yue Shi, et al.
October 07, 2022
A new GTSeq resource to facilitate multijurisdictional research and management of wal...
Peter Euclide, Wes Larson, Matthew Bootsma, et al.
September 06, 2022
Neutral and adaptive loci reveal fine-scale population structure in Eleginops maclovi...
Cristian Canales-Aguirre, Wes Larson, Garrett McKinney, et al.