Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection exposes patients with heart failure to a higher risk of morbidity and mortality. In LVAD patients, one of the key problems that can lead to life-threatening low-flow or pump malfunction due to thrombus development in the inflow cannula, device body, or outflow graft, implicating hemodynamic instability, hemolysis, renal or hepatic failure, or cerebral or peripheral thromboembolism. [Endothelial protein C receptor and thrombomodulin levels are elevated along with procoagulants such as factor VIII, P-selectin, and von Willebrand factor and downregulated along with thrombomodulin as a result of the cytokine storm released by endothelial and immune cells. In general ,](#ref-0013) LVAD thrombosis has been found to occur in 2–13% of adult patients who use current continuous-flow devices. However, LVAD thrombosis due to COVID-19 is underreported and a few cases presented. We present a case of accelerated LVAD outflow thrombosis in the setting of COVID-19 infection with multiorgan failure.