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Do we really need a new classification for cor triatriatum sinister?
  • Alhanouf Alaloola,
  • Rawan Alghamdi,
  • Amr Arafat
Alhanouf Alaloola

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Rawan Alghamdi
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Amr Arafat
Tanta University Faculty of Medicine
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Current classifications of Cor Triatriatum Sinister (CTS) do not address the associated heart defects or single ventricle pathology. Therefore, these classifications are not prognostic classifications and only describe the anatomy and the pulmonary venous drainage. The proposed classification considered the associated congenital cardiac lesions and the single ventricle pathology, therefore, it could have prognostic value. Future multicenter studies are required to measure the performance of this classification and its prognostic value in patients with CTS.
01 Oct 2022Submitted to Journal of Cardiac Surgery
03 Oct 2022Submission Checks Completed
03 Oct 2022Assigned to Editor
03 Oct 2022Editorial Decision: Accept