March 10, 2024
Does stable water isotope overestimate the contribution of terrestrial moisture contr...
Chaithanya B P, Ajay Ajay, Prasanta Sanyal, et al.
April 01, 2024
The δD records of n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid of tropical trees reflect δD of precip...
Amrita Saishree, Shreyas Ramesh Managave, Madhusudan Girdhar Yadava, et al.
September 09, 2024
Tracing urban drinking water sources: global state of the art and insights from an IA...
Ricardo Sanchez-Murillo, Lucia Ortega, Polona Vreca, et al.
November 01, 2022
The Imprint of Southern Ocean Stratification on the Isotopic Composition of Antarctic...
Ajay Ajay and Prasanta Sanyal