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Julia Wilcots

and 2 more

Kristin Bergmann

and 8 more

Jocelyn N Reahl

and 4 more

Quantitative scanning electron microscopy (SEM) quartz microtextural analysis can reveal the transport histories of modern and ancient sediments. However, because workers identify and count microtextures differently, it is difficult to directly compare quantitative microtextural data analyzed by different workers. As a result, the defining microtextures of certain transport modes and their probabilities of occurrence are not well constrained. We used principal component analysis (PCA) to directly compare modern and ancient aeolian, fluvial, and glacial samples from the literature with 9 new samples from active aeolian and glacial environments. Our results demonstrate that PCA can group microtextural samples by transport mode and differentiate between aeolian and fluvial/glacial transport modes across studies. The PCA ordination indicates that aeolian samples are distinct from fluvial and glacial samples, which are in turn difficult to disambiguate from each other. Ancient and modern sediments are also shown to have quantitatively similar microtextural relationships. Therefore, PCA may be a useful tool to constrain the ambiguous transport histories of some ancient sediment grains. As a case study, we analyzed two samples with ambiguous transport histories from the Cryogenian Bråvika Member (Svalbard). Integrating PCA with field observations, we find evidence that the Bråvika Member facies investigated here includes aeolian deposition and may be analogous to syn-glacial Marinoan aeolian units including the Bakoye Formation in Mali and the Whyalla Sandstone in South Australia.

Stefano Bernasconi

and 4 more

Increased adoption and improved methodology in carbonate clumped isotope thermometry has greatly enhanced our ability to interrogate a suite of Earth-system processes. However, interlaboratory discrepancies in quantifying Increased use and improved methodology of carbonate clumped isotope thermometry has greatly enhanced our ability to interrogate a suite of Earth-system processes. However, inter-laboratory discrepancies in quantifying carbonate clumped isotope (Δ47) measurements persist, and their specific sources remain unclear. To address inter-laboratory differences, we first provide consensus values from the clumped isotope community for four carbonate standards relative to heated and equilibrated gases with 1,819 individual analyses from 10 laboratories. Then we analyzed the four carbonate standards along with three additional standards, spanning a broad range of δ47 and Δ47 compositions, for a total of 5,329 analyses on 25 individual mass spectrometers from 22 different laboratories. Treating three of the materials as known standards and the other four as unknowns, we find that the use of carbonate reference materials is a robust method for standardization that yields inter-laboratory discrepancies entirely consistent with in-laboratory analytical uncertainties. Carbonate reference materials, along with measurement and data processing practices described herein, provide the carbonate clumped isotope community with a robust approach to achieve inter-laboratory agreement as we continue to use and improve this powerful geochemical tool. We propose that carbonate clumped isotope data normalized to the carbonate reference materials described in this publication should be reported as Δ47 (I-CDES) for Intercarb-Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium Scale.

Athena Eyster

and 4 more

The oldest recognized proxies for low atmospheric oxygen are massive iron-rich deposits. Following the rise of oxygen ~2.4 billion years ago, massive iron formations largely disappear from the geologic record, only to reappear in a pulse ~1.88 Ga, which has been attributed to passive margin transgressions, changing ocean chemistry triggered by intense volcanism, or lowered atmospheric oxygen levels. The North American Gogebic Range has exposures of both volcanics and iron formation, providing an ideal field locality to interrogate the relationship between the lithologies and investigate triggers for this pulse of iron formation. To determine the environmental context and key factors driving post-GOE iron formation deposition, we made detailed observations of the stratigraphy and facies relationships and present updated mapping relationshipsof the Gogebic Range Ironwood Iron Formation and the Emperor Volcanics. This work expands existing mine datasets and logs to constrain variations in stratigraphy. Our results are the first to quantitatively constrain thickness variations along the entire Gogebic range and tie them to syn-sedimentary faulting along listric normal faults and half grabens. Furthermore, our datasets suggest that initiation of major local volcanism does not coincide with iron formation deposition, thus, local intense volcanism cannot be invoked as a causal trigger. Finally, the possibility of iron formation deposition in a shallow water environment suggests that the post-GOE iron formation pulse may not reflect global marine transgressions, but instead a chemocline shallowing due to decreased atmospheric oxygen.

Tyler James Mackey

and 3 more

Pre- and syn-glacial low-latitude carbonate sediments of the Elbobreen Formation, NE Svalbard, preserve evidence for dramatic climate changes associated with Cryogenian glaciations (720–635 Ma). We combine carbonate stable (δ13C, δ18O) and clumped isotope (Δ47) geochemistry with petrographic observations to assess the source of carbonate within glacial facies of the Petrovbreen Member and their environmental significance. Calcite Δ47 temperatures reflect solid-state reordering under burial temperatures, whereas dolomites record lower temperatures that vary with depositional facies. Pre-glacial dolomites have Δ47 temperatures from 48–73°C, with a reconstructed fluid δ18O value of +0.6‰ (VSMOW) in the coldest sample. Glacial dolomites comprise: (1) detrital carbonate clasts similar to pre-glacial strata in stable isotope composition, Δ47 temperature, and petrographic textures; and (2) autochthonous dolomicrite and re-worked dolomicrite clasts with heavier δ18O values and colder Δ47 temperatures of 19–44 °C. Measured dolomite temperatures likely include a component of diagenetic alteration that elevated the sample temperature above that imparted at deposition. The statistically significant difference in temperatures between precipitated matrix and re-worked detrital clasts in diamictite indicates that matrix samples preserve some component of carbonate that records early temperature differences either reflecting the primary sediments or early dolomitization and shallow lithification. The higher source fluid δ18O values in glacial carbonates is consistent with an active hydrological cycle, either through local evaporation or growth of continental ice sheets sourced from evaporation of seawater. Continued hydrological cycling and 20–30 °C offsets in temperature between glacial and non-glacial conditions constrain carbonate depositional environments in this first Cryogenian glaciation.

Kristin D Bergmann

and 9 more

Marjorie D. Cantine

and 4 more

Detrital zircon records of provenance are used to reconstruct paleogeography, sediment sources, and tectonic configuration. Recognition of the biases in detrital zircon records that result from hydraulic sorting of sediment and the initial characteristics of zircons in source regions (e.g., size and abundance) has added new complexity and caution in the interpretation of these records. In this study, we examine the role of transport process and sediment sorting in these records. We begin our analysis by investigating the influence of grain size and transport process in biasing detrital zircon provenance records in an idealized sedimentary system. Our modeling results show that settling and selective entrainment can leave distinct, process-dependent fingerprints in detrital zircon spectra if initial size variation between source zircon populations exists. We then consider a case study: a detrital zircon record from Ediacaran to Terreneuvian Death Valley. We focus on the Rainstorm Member, which is geochemically, mineralogically, and sedimentologically unusual. In addition to Earth’s largest negative carbon isotope excursion (the Shuram excursion), the Rainstorm Member also contains anachronistic carbonate structures and a detrital mineral suite enriched in heavy minerals. We evaluate the detrital zircon provenance record of the Rainstorm Member, and find that, despite its unusual character, the provenance of the unit is similar to other units in the succession, with substantial input from Yavapai-Matzatzal provinces. Size and density measurements of heavy and light density components of the deposit suggest that its enriched heavy mineral suite is best explained through concentration by selective entrainment and winnowing. We find that our detrital zircon dataset is susceptible to hydrodynamic fractionation, so that grain size exerts influence on its provenance record, in particular for large Grenville-aged (1.0-1.2 Ga) grains.