NY Stakeholders' Interaction and Feedback on a Coastal Protective
Strategy Optimization
- Yuki Miura
, - Kyle Mandli
, - Heather Lazrus,
- Rebecca Morss
Heather Lazrus
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Author ProfileAbstract
As the sea level rises, it is alarming that the threat from flooding
induced by tropical cyclones would cause more severe damages to coastal
regions worldwide. In order to address this threat, optimizing coastal
protective or mitigation strategies is necessary, given limited
resources. The optimization methodology must incorporate feedback from
stakeholders for practical use. Multiple interviews were conducted by
engineering model developers and social scientists with stakeholders who
have first-hand knowledge and varied backgrounds in New York. The
protective strategies have been tuned to the critical infrastructure's
particular and contextual risks due to flood hazards by engaging and
integrating stakeholders' knowledge on the interdependency of the
infrastructures and other aspects after the first interview. The second
interview was conducted for further model improvement.