Jing Feng

and 2 more

In this study, a new open‐source package for cloud and precipitation modeling is introduced. Based on Mie theory and existing ice crystal datasets, the scheme generates optical properties for user‐defined gas bands, particle size distributions, and crystal habits, ensuring continuity across wide spectral bands and from small particles (clouds) to large particles (precipitation). Compared with existing schemes in GFDL’s AM4‐MG2, it reduces shortwave reflection of liquid clouds at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) by 1.50 Wm-2 and increases that of ice clouds by 1.62 Wm-2, based on offline radiative calculations.Using the new scheme, we find that cloud radiative effects are sensitive to microphysics variables such as particle size and habit, which affect the effective radius. Systematic flux biases may arise if the effective radius is not fully predicted in microphysics due to predefined size and habit distributions. We show that assuming spherical ice crystals underestimates ice‐cloud radiative effects by 3.20 Wm-2 in the longwave TOA and 2.76 Wm-2 in the shortwave TOA. These biases can be addressed by improving the effective radius approximation with a volume‐to‐radius ratio derived from in‐situ measurements.Combining these findings, we propose that climate models use a set of optics parameterizations for each hydrometeor type while adequently accounting for radiation effects caused by size and habit distributions. Uncertainties due to this simplification are evaluated. This study offers a consistent and physically based representation of radiative processes of clouds and precipitation in weather and climate simulations.

Robert Pincus

and 11 more

Changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases within the atmosphere lead to changes in radiative fluxes throughout the atmosphere. The value of this change, called the instantaneous radiative forcing, varies across climate models, due partly to differences in the distribution of clouds, humidity, and temperature across models, and partly due to errors introduced by approximate treatments of radiative transfer. This paper describes an experiment within the Radiative Forcing Model Intercomparision Project that uses benchmark calculations made with line-by-line models to identify parameterization error in the representation of absorption and emission by greenhouse gases. The clear-sky instantaneous forcing by greenhouse gases to which the world has been subject is computed using a set of 100 profiles, selected from a re-analysis of present-day conditions, that represent the global annual mean forcing with sampling errors of less than 0.01 \si{\watt\per\square\meter}. Six contributing line-by-line models agree in their estimate of this forcing to within 0.025 \si{\watt\per\square\meter} while even recently-developed parameterizations have typical errors four or more times larger, suggesting both that the samples reveal true differences among line-by-line models and that parameterization error will be readily resolved. Agreement among line-by-line models is better in the longwave than in the shortwave where differing treatments of the water vapor vapor continuum affect estimates of forcing by carbon dioxide and methane. The impacts of clouds on instantaneous radiative forcing are roughly estimated, as are adjustments due to stratospheric temperature change. Adjustments are large only for ozone and for carbon dioxide, for which stratospheric cooling introduces modest non-linearity.

Timothy Andrews

and 19 more

We investigate the dependence of radiative feedback on the pattern of sea-surface temperature (SST) change in fourteen Atmospheric General Circulation Models (AGCMs) forced with observed variations in SST and sea-ice over the historical record from 1871 to near-present. We find that over 1871-1980, the Earth warmed with feedbacks largely consistent and strongly correlated with long-term climate sensitivity feedbacks (diagnosed from corresponding atmosphere-ocean GCM abrupt-4xCO2 simulations). Post 1980 however, the Earth warmed with unusual trends in tropical Pacific SSTs (enhanced warming in the west, cooling in the east) that drove climate feedback to be uncorrelated with – and indicating much lower climate sensitivity than – that expected for long-term CO2 increase. We show that these conclusions are not strongly dependent on the AMIP II SST dataset used to force the AGCMs, though the magnitude of feedback post 1980 is generally smaller in eight AGCMs forced with alternative HadISST1 SST boundary conditions. We quantify a ‘pattern effect’ (defined as the difference between historical and long-term CO2 feedback) equal to 0.44 ± 0.47 [5-95%] W m-2 K-1 for the time-period 1871-2010, which increases by 0.05 ± 0.04 W m-2 K-1 if calculated over 1871-2014. Assessed changes in the Earth’s historical energy budget are in agreement with the AGCM feedback estimates. Furthermore satellite observations of changes in top-of-atmosphere radiative fluxes since 1985 suggest that the pattern effect was particularly strong over recent decades, though this may be waning post 2014 due to a warming of the eastern Pacific.