The Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov) and
Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC https://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/), as the
NASA Heliophysics active final archives, will be preserving and
distributing the data from Parker Solar Probe. Working in cooperation
with current operating missions and the heliophysics community, SPDF
ingests, preserves and serves a wide range of past and current public
science-quality data from the ionosphere into the furthest reach of
deep-space exploration. SPDF has been working with the Parker Solar
Probe mission in preparation for archiving and serving its in-situ data
starting 2019 Nov 12, and also has arrangements to serve in-situ data
from Solar Orbiter when those data become public. SPDF will facilitate
scientific analysis of multi-instrument and multi-mission datasets to
enhance the science return of Parker Solar Probe mission. SPDF develops
and maintains the Common Data Format (CDF) and the associated ISTP/SPDF
metadata guidelines. SPDF services include CDAWeb, which supports both
survey and burst mode data with graphics, listings and data
superset/subset functions. All public data held by SPDF are also
available for direct file download by HTTPS or FTPS links from the SPDF
home page (https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov). SPDF is currently receiving and
serving from missions including Helios, MMS, Van Allen Probes,
THEMIS/ARTEMIS, GOLD, ACE, Cluster, Geotail, Polar, Wind and many
others, and >120 Ground-Based investigations. SPDF recently
added support for ARASE/ERG and MAVEN as supplementary access at the
requests of those missions. SPDF also operates the multi-mission orbit
displays and query services of SSCWeb and the Java-based 4D Orbit
Viewer, as well as the Heliophysics Data Portal (HDP) discipline-wide
data inventory and access service, and the OMNIweb near-Earth solar wind
plasma and magnetic field database.