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This study investigates the representation of stratocumulus (Sc) clouds, cloud variability, and precipitation statistics over the Southern Ocean (SO) to understand the dominant ice processes within the Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) model at the kilometer scale using real case simulations. The simulations are evaluated using the shipborne observations as open-cell stratocumuli were continuously observed during two days (26th -27th of March 2016), south of Tasmania. The radar retrievals are used to effectively analyze the forward- simulated radar signatures from Passive and Active Microwave TRAnsfer (PAMTRA). We contrast cloud-precipitation statistics, and microphysical process rates between simulations performed with one-moment (1M) and two-moment (2M) microphysics schemes. We further analyze their sensitivity to primary and secondary ice-phase processes (Hallett–Mossop and collisional breakup). Both processes have previously been shown to improve the ice properties of simulated shallow mixed-phase clouds over the SO in other models. We find that only simulations with continuous formation, growth, and subsequent melting of graupel, and the effective riming of in-cloud rain by graupel, capture the observed cloud-precipitation vertical structure. In particular, the 2M microphysics scheme requires additional tuning for graupel processes in SO stratocumuli. Lowering the assumed graupel density and terminal velocity, in combination with secondary ice processes, enhances graupel formation in 2M microphysics ICON simulations. Overall, all simulations capture the observed intermittency of precipitation irrespective of the microphysics scheme used, and most of them sparsely distribute intense precipitation (>1mm h-1 ) events. Furthermore, the simulated clouds are too reflective as they are optically thick and/or have high cloud cover.

Anna Possner

and 2 more

Extratropical low-level mixed-phase clouds (MPCs) are difficult to represent in global climate models and generate substantial uncertainty in global climate projections. In this study we evaluate the simulated properties of Southern Ocean (SO) boundary layer MPCs for August 2016 in the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) model. The bulk of the simulations are part of the DYnamics of the Atmospheric general circulation Modeled On Non-hydrostatic Domain (DYAMOND) initiative. The analysis shows that previous and current versions of ICON overestimate cloud ice occurrence in low-level clouds across all latitudes in the SO. Furthermore, cloud seeding from upper-level ice clouds into low-level supercooled liquid layers is found to strongly impact MPC occurrence in ICON. Like many other global climate models, ICON underestimates the reflectivity of SO boundary layer clouds. We can show that this effect is resolution dependent and largely due to an underestimation in cloud fraction, rather than optical depth. Additional sensitivity experiments show a pronounced sensitivity of the Wegener-Bergeron Findeisen (WBF) process with respect to temporal discretisation. Long integration intervals overestimate WBF growth due to the artificially prolonged co-existence of ice and water within the MPC regime. Furthermore, grid-imposed phase homogeneity will likely yield an overestimation in WBF growth rates in simulations performed at the scale of traditional climate models and likely at the convection-permitting scale also. In addition, WBF growth is likely overestimated due to the high bias in low-level cloud ice occurrence. Changes with respect to cloud ice detrainment from shallow convection are of secondary importance for SO MPC statistics.

Michael Diamond

and 4 more

The influence of aerosol particles on cloud reflectivity remains one of the largest sources of uncertainty in our understanding anthropogenic climate change. Commercial shipping constitutes a large and concentrated aerosol perturbation in a meteorological regime where clouds have a disproportionally large effect on climate. Yet, to date, studies have been unable to detect climatologically-relevant cloud radiative effects from shipping, despite models indicating that the cloud response should produce a sizable negative radiative forcing (perturbation to Earth’s energy balance). We attribute a significant increase in cloud reflectivity to enhanced cloud droplet number concentrations within a major shipping corridor in the southeast Atlantic. Prevailing winds constrain emissions around the corridor, which cuts through a climatically-important region of expansive low-cloud cover. We use universal kriging, a classic geostatistical method, to estimate what cloud properties would have been in the absence of shipping. In the morning, cloud brightening is consistent with changes in microphysics alone, whereas in the afternoon, increases in cloud brightness from microphysical changes are offset by decreases in the total amount of cloud water. We find a radiative forcing in the southeast Atlantic shipping corridor two orders of magnitude greater than previous observational estimates. Approximately five years of data are required to identify a clear signal. Extrapolating our results globally, we calculate an effective radiative forcing due to aerosol-cloud interactions in low clouds of -0.62 W/m2 (-1.23 to -0.08 W/m2). The unique setup in the southeast Atlantic could be an ideal test for the representation of aerosol-cloud interactions in climate models.

Nicolas Bellouin

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