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Arjun Jagannathan

and 4 more

A current along a sloping bottom gives rise to upwelling, or downwelling Ekman transport within the stratified bottom boundary layer (BBL), also known as the bottom Ekman layer. In 1D models of slope currents, geostrophic vertical shear resulting from horizontal buoyancy gradients within the BBL is predicted to eventually bring the bottom stress to zero, leading to a shutdown, or \change{\lq arrest \rq \,,}{\lq arrest \rq,} of the BBL. Using 3D ROMS simulations, we explore how the dynamics of buoyancy adjustment in a current-ridge encounter problem differs from 1D and 2D temporal spin up problems. We show that in a downwelling BBL, the destruction of the ageostrophic BBL shear, and hence the bottom stress, is accomplished primarily by nonlinear straining effects during the initial topographic \change{counter}{encounter}. As the current advects along the ridge slopes, the BBL deepens and evolves toward thermal wind balance. The onset of negative potential vorticity (NPV) modes of instability and their subsequent dissipation partially offsets the reduction of the BBL dissipation during the ridge-current interaction. On the upwelling side, although the bottom stress weakens substantially during the encounter, the BBL experiences a horizontal inflectional point instability and separates from the slopes before sustained along-slope stress reduction can \change{occured}{occur}. In all our solutions, both the upwelling and downwelling BBLs are in a partially arrested state when the current separates from the ridge slope, characterized by a reduced, but non-zero bottom stress on the slopes.

Anh Le-Duy Pham

and 7 more

Release of iron (Fe) from continental shelves is a major source of this limiting nutrient for phytoplankton in the open ocean, including productive Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems. The mechanisms governing the transport and fate of Fe along continental margins remain poorly understood, reflecting interaction of physical and biogeochemical processes that are crudely represented by global ocean biogeochemical models. Here, we use a submesoscale-permitting physical-biogeochemical model to investigate processes governing the delivery of shelf-derived Fe to the open ocean along the northern U.S. West Coast. We find that a significant fraction (∼20%) of the Fe released by sediments on the shelf is transported offshore, fertilizing the broader Northeast Pacific Ocean. This transport is governed by two main pathways that reflect interaction between the wind-driven ocean circulation and Fe release by low-oxygen sediments: the first in the surface boundary layer during upwelling events; the second in the bottom boundary layer, associated with pervasive interactions of the poleward California Undercurrent with bottom topography. In the water column interior, transient and standing eddies strengthen offshore transport, counteracting the onshore pull of the mean upwelling circulation. Several hot-spots of intense Fe delivery to the open ocean are maintained by standing meanders in the mean current and enhanced by transient eddies and seasonal oxygen depletion. Our results highlight the importance of fine-scale dynamics for the transport of Fe and shelf-derived elements from continental margins to the open ocean, and the need to improve representation of these processes in biogeochemical models used for climate studies.

Faycal Kessouri

and 9 more

The Southern California Bight (SCB), an eastern boundary upwelling system, is impacted by global warming, acidification and deoxygetation, and receives anthropogenic nutrients from a coastal population of 20 million people. We describe the configuration, forcing, and validation of a realistic, submesoscale resolving ocean model as a tool to investigate coastal eutrophication. This modeling system represents an important achievement because it strikes a balance of capturing the forcing by U.S. Pacific Coast-wide phenomena, while representing the bathymetric features and submesoscale circulation that affect the vertical and horizontal transport of nutrients from natural and human sources. Moreover, the model allows to run simulations at timescales that approach the interannual frequencies of ocean variability, making the grand challenge of disentangling natural variability, climate change, and local anthropogenic forcing a tractable task in the near-term. The model simulation is evaluated against a broad suite of observational data throughout the SCB, showing realistic depiction of mean state and its variability with remote sensing and in situ physical-biogeochemical measurements of state variables and biogeochemical rates. The simulation reproduces the main structure of the seasonal upwelling front, the mean current patterns, the dispersion of plumes, as well as their seasonal variability. It reproduces the mean distributions of key biogeochemical and ecosystem properties. Biogeochemical rates reproduced by the model, such as primary productivity and nitrification, are also consistent with measured rates. Results of this validation exercise demonstrate the utility of fine-scale resolution modeling in support of management decisions on local anthropogenic nutrient discharges to coastal zones.

Jian Zhou

and 5 more

High-resolution simulations by the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) were used to investigate the dispersal of the San Francisco Bay (SFB) plume over the northern-central California continental shelf during the period of 2011 to 2012. The modeled bulk dynamics of surface currents and state variables showed many similarities to corresponding observations. After entering the Pacific Ocean through the Golden Gate, the SFB plume is dispersed across the shelf via three pathways: (i) along the southern coast towards Monterey Bay, (ii) along the northern coast towards Point Arena, and (iii) an offshore pathway restricted within the shelf break. On the two-year mean timescale, the along-shore zone of impact of the northward-dispersed plume is about 1.5 times longer than that of the southern branch. Due to the opposite surface Ekman transports induced by the northerly or southerly winds, the southern plume branch occupies a broader cross-shore extent, roughly twice as wide as the northern branch which extends roughly two times deeper due to coastal downwelling. Besides these mean characteristics, the SFB plume dispersal also shows considerable temporal variability in response to various forcings, with wind and surface-current forcing most strongly related to the dispersing direction. Applying constituent-oriented age theory, we determine that it can be as long as 50 days since the SFB plume was last in contact with SFB before being flushed away from the Gulf of the Farallones. This study sheds light on the transport and fate of SFB plume and its impact zone with implications for California’s marine ecosystems.

Kaushik Srinivasan

and 2 more

Submesoscale currents, comprising fronts and mixed-layer eddies, exhibit a dual cascade of kinetic energy: a forward cascade to dissipation scales at fronts and an inverse cascade from mixed-layer eddies to mesoscale eddies. Within a coarse-graining framework using both spatial and temporal filters, we show that this dual cascade can be captured in simple mathematical form obtained by writing the cross-scale energy flux in the local principal strain coordinate system, wherein the flux reduces to the the sum of two terms, one proportional to the convergence and the other proportional to the strain. The strain term is found to cause the inverse energy flux to larger scales while an approximate equipartition of the convergent and strain terms capture the forward energy flux, demonstrated through model-based analysis and asymptotic theory. A consequence of this equipartition is that the frontal forward energy flux is simply proportional to the frontal convergence. In a recent study, it was shown that the Lagrangian rate of change of quantities like the divergence, vorticity and horizontal buoyancy gradient are proportional to convergence at fronts implying that horizontal convergence drives frontogenesis. We show that these two results imply that the primary mechanism for the forward energy flux at fronts is frontogenesis. We also analyze the energy flux through a Helmholtz decomposition and show that the rotational components are primarily responsible for the inverse cascade while a mix of the divergent and rotational components cause the forward cascade, consistent with our asymptotic analysis based on the principal strain framework.

Pierre Damien

and 6 more

Arjun Jagannathan

and 4 more

A current along a sloping bottom gives rise to upwelling, or downwelling Ekman transport within the stratified bottom boundary layer (BBL), also known as the bottom Ekman layer. In 1D models of slope currents, geostrophic vertical shear resulting from horizontal buoyancy gradients within the BBL is predicted to eventually bring the bottom stress to zero, leading to a shutdown, or \lq arrest \rq \, , of the BBL. Using 3D ROMS simulations, we explore how the dynamics of buoyancy adjustment in a current-ridge encounter problem differs from 1D and 2D temporal spin up problems. We show that in a downwelling BBL, the destruction of the ageostrophic BBL shear, and hence the bottom stress, is accomplished primarily by nonlinear straining effects during the initial topographic counter. As the current advects along the ridge slopes, the BBL deepens and evolves toward thermal wind balance. The onset of negative potential vorticity (NPV) modes of instability and their subsequent dissipation partially offsets the reduction of the BBL dissipation during the ridge-current interaction. On the upwelling side, although the bottom stress weakens substantially during the encounter, the BBL experiences a horizontal inflectional point instability and separates from the slopes before sustained along-slope stress reduction can occurred. In all our solutions, both the upwelling and downwelling BBLs are in a partially arrested state when the current separates from the ridge slope, characterized by a reduced, but non-zero bottom stress on the slopes.