Nataniel M Holtzman

and 4 more

Vegetation water content (VWC) plays a key role in transpiration, plant mortality, and wildfire risk. Although land surface models now often contain plant hydraulics schemes, there are few direct VWC measurements to constrain these models at global scale. One proposed solution to this data gap is passive microwave remote sensing, which is sensitive to temporal changes in VWC. Here, we test that approach by using synthetic microwave observations to constrain VWC and surface soil moisture within the CliMA Land model. We further investigate the possible utility of sub-daily observations of VWC, which could be obtained through a satellite in geostationary orbit or combinations of multiple satellites. These high-temporal-resolution observations could allow for improved determination of ecosystem parameters, carbon and water fluxes, and subsurface hydraulics, relative to the currently available twice-daily sun-synchronous observational patterns. We find that incorporating observations at four different times in the diurnal cycle (such as could be available from two sun-synchronous satellites) provides a significantly better constraint on water and carbon fluxes than twice-daily observations do. For example, the root mean square errors (RMSE) of projected evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity during drought periods was reduced by approximately 40%, when using four-times-daily relative to twice-daily observations. Adding hourly observations of the entire diurnal cycle did not further improve the inferred parameters and fluxes. Our comparison of observational strategies may be informative in the design of future satellite missions to study plant hydraulics, as well as when using existing remotely sensed data to study vegetation water stress response.

Zhijiong Cao

and 6 more

Recently, more advanced synchronous global-scale satellite observations, the Soil Moisture Active Passive enhanced Level 3 (SMAP L3) soil moisture product and the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2) solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) product, provide an opportunity to improve the simulations of both water and carbon cycles in land surface modeling. This study introduces a mechanistic representation of SIF to the Simplified Simple Biosphere Model version 4 (SSiB4) coupled with the Top-down Representation of Interactive Foliage and Flora Including Dynamics Model (TRIFFID). This newly developed model with the observed satellite data indicates that introducing dynamic processes can lead to substantial improvement in global carbon flux simulation. In the SSiB4/TRIFFID/SIF, four critical soil and vegetation parameters–B parameter, soil hydraulic conductivity at saturation (Ks), wilting point, and maximum Rubisco carboxylation rate (Vmax)–were identified through numerical sensitivity experiments. Among the four parameters, the B parameter has the most significant effects on both soil moisture and SIF simulations. With the optimized B parameter, both soil moisture and SIF simulations were improved substantially, with especially significant improvement for shrubs. The Ks and wilting point also affect both soil moisture and SIF but with reduced magnitude. The Vmax directly affects photosynthesis, and its modification can substantially improve the SIF simulation of needleleaf trees and C3 grasses. With all four calibrated parameters based on SMAP L3 and OCO-2 data, the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of soil moisture and SIF simulations decreased from 0.076 to 0.063 m3/m3 and from 0.143 to 0.117 W/m2/μm/sr, respectively.

Renato K. Braghiere

and 12 more

Yujie Wang

and 8 more

Recent progress in satellite observations has provided unprecedented opportunities to monitor vegetation activity on the global scale. However, a major challenge in fully utilizing remotely sensed data to constrain land surface models (LSMs) lies in inconsistencies between simulated and observed quantities. Transpiration and gross primary productivity (GPP) that traditional LSMs simulate are not directly measurable from space and they are inferred from spaceborne observations using assumptions that are inconsistent with those of the LSMs, whereas canopy reflectance and fluorescence spectra that satellites can detect are not modeled by traditional LSMs. To bridge these quantities, we present the land model developed within the Climate Modeling Alliance (CliMA), which simulates global-scale GPP, transpiration, and hyperspectral canopy radiative transfer (RT). Thus, CliMA Land can predict any vegetation index or outgoing radiance, including solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and near infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRv) for any given measurement geometry. Even without parameter optimization, the modeled spatial patterns of CliMA Land GPP, SIF, NDVI, EVI, and NIRv correlate significantly with existing observational products. CliMA Land is also very useful in its high temporal resolution, e.g., providing insights into when GPP, SIF, and NIRv diverge. Based on comparisons between models and observations, we propose ways to improve future land modeling regarding data processing and model development.

Zoe Pierrat

and 12 more

Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) is a powerful proxy for gross primary productivity (GPP) in Boreal ecosystems. However, SIF and GPP are fundamentally different quantities that describe distinct, but related, physiological processes. Recent work has highlighted non-linearities between SIF and GPP at finer spatial (leaf- to canopy- level) and temporal (half-hourly) scales. Therefore, questions have arisen about when, where, and why SIF is a good proxy for GPP and what the potential sources for divergence between the two are. The goal of this study is to answer two specific questions: 1) At what temporal scale is SIF a good proxy for GPP and 2) What are the predominant physical and ecophysiological drivers of nonlinearity between SIF and GPP in boreal ecosystems? We collected tower-based measurements of SIF (and other common vegetation indices) with PhotoSpec (a custom spectrometer system) and eddy-covariance GPP data at a 30-minute resolution at the Southern Old Black Spruce Site (SOBS) in Saskatchewan, CA. We applied a combination of statistical and machine learning approaches to disentangle the influence of structural/illumination effects and ecophysiological variations on the SIF signal. Our results show that at a high temporal resolution (half-hourly), SIF and GPP are predominantly dependent on photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Therefore, the non-linear light response of GPP drives non-linearity between SIF and GPP. Additionally, canopy structure and illumination effects become important to the SIF signal at high temporal resolutions. At the seasonal timescale, SIF and GPP exhibit co-varying responses to PAR, even when accounting for changes in canopy structure. We attribute changes in the light responses of SIF and GPP to sustained photoprotection over winter which co-varies with changes in temperature. Finally, we show that the relationship between SIF and GPP has a seasonal dependence caused by small differences between the light use efficiencies of fluorescence and photosynthesis. Accounting for this seasonally variable relationship will improve the use of SIF as a proxy for GPP.

Junjie Liu

and 4 more

Since the 1960s, carbon cycling in the high-latitude northern forest (HLNF) has experienced dramatic changes: most of the forest is greening and net carbon uptake from the atmosphere has increased. During the same time period, the COseasonal cycle amplitude (SCA) has almost doubled. Disentangling complex processes that drive these changes has been challenging. In this study, we substitute spatial sensitivity to temperature for time to quantify the impact of temperature increase on Gross Primary Production (GPP), total ecosystem respiration (TER), the fraction of Photosynthetic Active Radiation (fPAR), and the resulted contribution of these changes in amplifying the COSCA over the HLNF since 1960s. We use the spatial heterogeneity of GPP inferred from solar-induced chlorophyll Fluorescence in combination with net ecosystem exchange (NEE) inferred from column COobservations made between 2015 and 2017 from NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory -2. We find that three quarters of the spatial variations in GPP and in the fPAR absorbed by the HLNF can be explained by the spatial variation in the growing season mean temperature (GSMT). The long term hindcast captures both the magnitude and spatial variability of the trends in observed fPAR. We estimate that between 1960 and 2010, the increase in GSMT enhanced both GPP and the SCA of NEE by ~20%. The calculated enhancement of NEE due to increase in GSMT contributes 56–72% of the trend in the CO SCA at high latitudes, much larger than simulations by most biogeochemical models.

Sabrina Madsen

and 8 more

Terrestrial vegetation is known to be an important sink for carbon dioxide (CO2). However, fluxes to and from vegetation are often not accounted for when studying anthropogenic CO2 emissions in urban areas. This project seeks to quantify urban biogenic fluxes in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area located in Southern Ontario, Canada. Toronto is Canada’s most populated city but also has a large amount of green-space, covering approximately 13 % of the city. In addition, vegetation is not evenly distributed throughout the region. We therefore expect biogenic fluxes to play an important role in the spatial patterns of CO2 concentrations and the overall local carbon budget. In order to fully understand biogenic fluxes they can be partitioned into the amount of CO2 sequestered via photosynthesis, gross primary productivity (GPP), and the amount respired by vegetation, ecosystem respiration (Reco). Solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) measured from space has been shown to be a valuable proxy for photosynthesis and thus can be used to estimate GPP. Vegetation models, including the Urban Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (UrbanVPRM) and the SIF for Modelling Urban biogenic Fluxes (SMUrF) model, have also been used to estimate both GPP and Reco In this study we compare modelled and SIF-derived biogenic CO2 fluxes at a 500 m by 500 m resolution, to ground-based flux tower measurements in Southern Ontario to determine how well these methods estimate biogenic CO2 fluxes. This study works towards determining the importance of biogenic fluxes in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Furthermore, the results of this work may inform policy makers and city planners on how urban vegetation affects CO2 concentrations and patterns within cities.