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Matthew Cooper

and 7 more

Permafrost active layer thickness (ALT) is a sensitive indicator of permafrost response to climate change. In recent decades, ALT has increased at sites across the Arctic, concurrent with observed increases in annual minimum streamflow (baseflow). The trends in ALT and baseflow are thought to be linked via: 1) increased soil water storage capacity due to an increased active layer, and 2) enhanced soil water mobility within a more continuous active layer, both of which support higher baseflow in Arctic rivers. One approach to analyzing these changes in ALT and baseflow is to use baseflow recession analysis, which is a classical method in hydrology that relates groundwater storage S to baseflow Q with a power law-like relationship Q = aSb. For the special case of a linear reservoir (b=1.0), the baseflow recession method has been extended to quantify changes in ALT from streamflow measurements alone. We test this approach at sites across the North American Arctic and find that catchments underlain by permafrost behave as nonlinear reservoirs, with scaling exponents b~1.5–3.0, undermining the key assumption of linearity that is commonly applied in this method. Despite this limitation, trends in a provide insight into the relationship between changing ALT and changing Arctic baseflow. Although care should be taken to ensure the theoretical assumptions are met, baseflow recession analysis shows promise as an empirical approach to constrain modeled permafrost change at the river basin scale.

Bryce E Harrop

and 12 more

The water cycle is an important component of the earth system and it plays a key role in many facets of society, including energy production, agriculture, and human health and safety. In this study, the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) is run with low-resolution (roughly 110 km) and high-resolution (roughly 25 km) configurations — as established by the High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project protocol — to evaluate the atmospheric and terrestrial water budgets over the conterminous United States (CONUS) at the large watershed scale. The water cycle slows down in the HR experiment relative to the LR, with decreasing fluxes of precipitation, evapotranspiration, atmospheric moisture convergence, and runoff. The reductions in these terms exacerbate biases for some watersheds, while reducing them in others. For example, precipitation biases are exacerbated at HR over the Eastern and Central CONUS watersheds, while precipitation biases are reduced at HR over the Western CONUS watersheds. The most pronounced changes to the water cycle come from reductions in precipitation and evapotranspiration, the latter of which results from decreases in evaporative fraction. While the HR simulation is warmer than the LR, moisture convergence decreases despite the increased atmospheric water vapor, suggesting circulation biases are an important factor. Additional exploratory metrics show improvements to water cycle extremes (both in precipitation and streamflow), fractional contributions of different storm types to total precipitation, and mountain snowpack.

Jean-Christophe Golaz

and 70 more

This work documents version two of the Department of Energy’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM). E3SM version 2 (E3SMv2) is a significant evolution from its predecessor E3SMv1, resulting in a model that is nearly twice as fast and with a simulated climate that is improved in many metrics. We describe the physical climate model in its lower horizontal resolution configuration consisting of 110 km atmosphere, 165 km land, 0.5° river routing model, and an ocean and sea ice with mesh spacing varying between 60 km in the mid-latitudes and 30 km at the equator and poles. The model performance is evaluated by means of a standard set of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Characterization of Klima (DECK) simulations augmented with historical simulations as well as simulations to evaluate impacts of different forcing agents. The simulated climate is generally realistic, with notable improvements in clouds and precipitation compared to E3SMv1. E3SMv1 suffered from an excessively high equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) of 5.3 K. In E3SMv2, ECS is reduced to 4.0 K which is now within the plausible range based on a recent World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) assessment. However, E3SMv2 significantly underestimates the global mean surface temperature in the second half of the historical record. An analysis of single-forcing simulations indicates that correcting the historical temperature bias would require a substantial reduction in the magnitude of the aerosol-related forcing.

Donghui Xu

and 4 more

Floodplain inundation links river and land systems through significant water, sediment, and nutrient exchanges. However, these two-way interactions between land and river are currently missing in most Earth System Models. In this study, we introduced the two-way hydrological coupling between the land component, ELM, and the river component, MOSART, in Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) to study the impacts of floodplain inundation on land and river processes. We calibrated the river channel geometry and developed a new data-driven inundation scheme to improve the simulation of inundation dynamics in E3SM. The new inundation scheme captures 96% of the spatial variation of inundation area in a satellite inundation product at global scale, in contrast with 7% when the default inundation scheme of E3SM was used. Global simulations including the new inundation scheme performed at resolution with and without two-way land-river coupling were used to quantify the impact of coupling. Comparisons show that two-way coupling modifies the water and energy cycle in 20% of the global land cells. Specifically, riverine inundation is reduced by two-way coupling, but inland inundation is intensified. Wetter periods are more impacted by the two-way coupling at the global scale, while regions with different climates exhibit different sensitivities. The two-way exchange of water between the land and river components of E3SM provides the foundation for enabling two-way coupling of land-river sediment and biogeochemical fluxes. These capabilities will be used to improve understanding of the interactions between water and biogeochemical cycles and their response to human perturbations.

Tian Zhou

and 4 more

Hydropower is a low-carbon emission renewable energy source that provides competitive and flexible electricity generation and is essential to the evolving power grid in the context of decarbonization. Assessing hydropower availability in a changing climate is technically challenging because there is a lack of consensus in the modeling representation of key dynamics across scales and processes. The SECURE Water Act requires a periodic assessment of the impact of climate change on the United States federal hydropower. The uncertainties associated with the structure of the tools in the previous assessment was limited to an ensemble of climate models. We leverage the second assessment to evaluate the compounded impact of climate and reservoir-hydropower models’ structural uncertainties on monthly hydropower projections. While the second assessment relies on a mostly-statistical regression-based hydropower model, we introduce a mostly-conceptual reservoir operations-hydropower model. Using two different types of hydropower model allows us to provide the first hydropower assessment with uncertainty partitioning associated with both climate and hydropower models. We also update the second assessment, performed initially at an annual time scale, to a seasonal time scale. Results suggest that at least 50% of the uncertainties, both at annual and seasonal scales, are attributed to the climate models. The annual predictions are consistent between hydropower models which marginally contribute to the variability in annual projections. However, up to 50% of seasonal variability can be attributed to the choice of the hydropower model in regions over the western US where the reservoir storage is substantial. The analysis identifies regions where multi-model assessments are needed and presents a novel approach to partition uncertainties in hydropower projections. Another outcome includes an updated evaluation of CMIP5-based federal hydropower projection, at the monthly scale and with a larger ensemble, which can provide a baseline for understanding the upcoming 3rd assessment based on CMIP6 projections.

Matthew G Cooper

and 7 more

Permafrost underlies approximately one fifth of the global land area and affects ground stability, freshwater runoff, soil chemistry, and surface‑atmosphere gas exchange. The depth of thawed ground overlying permafrost (active layer thickness, ALT) has broadly increased across the Arctic in recent decades, coincident with a period of increased streamflow, especially the lowest flows (baseflow). Mechanistic links between ALT and baseflow have recently been explored using linear reservoir theory, but most watersheds behave as nonlinear reservoirs. We derive theoretical nonlinear relationships between long‑term average saturated soil thickness η (proxy for ALT) and long-term average baseflow. The theory is applied to 38 years of daily streamflow data for the Kuparuk River basin on the North Slope of Alaska. Between 1983–2020, the theory predicts that η increased 0.11±0.17 [2σ] cm a-1, or 4.4±6.6 cm total. The rate of change nearly doubled to 0.20±0.24 cm a-1 between 1990–2020, during which time field measurements from CALM (Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring) sites in the Kuparuk indicate η increased 0.31±0.22 cm a-1. The predicted rate of change more than doubled again between 2002–2020, mirroring a near doubling of observed ALT rate of change. The inferred increase in η is corroborated by GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellite gravimetry, which indicates that terrestrial water storage increased ~0.80±3.40 cm a-1, ~56% higher than the predicted increase in η. Overall, hydrologic change is accelerating in the Kuparuk River basin, and we provide a theoretical framework for estimating changes in active layer water storage from streamflow measurements alone.