Zeyuan Hu

and 2 more

Tristan H Abbott

and 4 more

Observations reveal a clear difference in the intensity of deep convection over tropical land and ocean. This observed land-ocean contrast provides a natural benchmark for evaluating the fidelity of global storm-resolving models (GSRMs; global models with horizontal resolution on the order of kilometers), and GSRMs provide a potentially valuable tool for probing unresolved scientific questions about the origin of the observed land-ocean contrast. However, land-ocean differences in convective intensity have received relatively little attention in GSRM research. Here, we show that the strength of the land-ocean contrast simulated by GSRMs is strongly sensitive to details of GSRM implementations, and not clearly governed by any of several hypothesized drivers of the observed land-ocean contrast. We first examine DYAMOND Summer GSRM simulations, and show that only a subset produce a clear land-ocean contrast in the frequency of strong updrafts. We then show that the use of a sub-grid shallow convection scheme can determine whether or not the GSRM X-SHiELD produces a clear land-ocean contrast. Finally, we show that three hypothesized drivers of the observed land-ocean contrast all fail to explain why a land-ocean contrast is present in X-SHiELD simulations with sub-grid shallow convection disabled. These results provide encouraging evidence that GSRMs can mimic the observed land-ocean convective intensity contrast. However, they also show that their ability to do so can be sensitive to uncertain sub-grid parameterizations, and suggest that existing theory may not fully capture drivers of the land-ocean contrast simulated by some GSRMs.

Timothy Merlis

and 2 more

Tropical cyclone (TC) potential intensity (PI) theory has a well known form, consistent with a Carnot cycle interpretation of TC energetics, which relates PI to mean environmental conditions: the difference between surface and TC outflow temperatures and the air–sea enthalpy disequilibrium. PI has also been defined as a difference in convective available potential energy (CAPE) between two parcels, and quantitative assessments of future changes make use of a numerical algorithm based on this definition. Here, an analysis shows the conditions under which these Carnot and CAPE-based PI definitions are equivalent. There are multiple conditions, not previously enumerated, which in particular reveal a role for irreversible entropy production from surface evaporation. This mathematical analysis is verified by numerical calculations of PI’s sensitivity to large changes in surface-air relative humidity. To gain physical insight into the connection between the CAPE and Carnot formulations of PI, we use a recently developed analytic theory for CAPE to derive, starting from the CAPE-based definition, a new approximate formula for PI which nearly recovers the previous Carnot PI formula. The derivation shows that the difference in undilute buoyancies of saturated and environmental parcels which determines CAPE PI can in fact be expressed as a difference in the parcels’ surface moist static energy, providing a physical link between the Carnot and CAPE formulations of PI. This combination of analysis and physical interpretation builds confidence in previous numerical CAPE-based PI calculations that use climate model projections of the future tropical environment.