Elvira Astafyeva

and 5 more

The 10-11 May 2024 superstorm is the largest geomagnetic event since March 1989. This work focuses on the analysis of a severe negative ionospheric storm that occurred in American/Atlantic region on 11 May. The vertical total electron content (VTEC) dropped by 75 TECU below the quiet-time values, which represents extreme storm-time deviations. Our analysis shows that the May 2024 negative ionospheric storm was the most significant out of 6 strongest superstorms that occurred in 2000-2004. This also means that the 11 May negative storm was one of the strongest ever observed by the GPS/GNSS-sounding. The remarkable VTEC drops were produced by a combination of strong downward equatorial ExB drifts and decreases in the thermospheric composition. The recovery phase was also marked by the occurrence of vortex-like VTEC enhancements that repeated the O/N2 increases, however, the dynamics of the VTEC patches and vortices significantly differs from that of the O/N2 structures. Plain Language Summary On 10-11 May 2024, a major geomagnetic storm occurred on Earth. It significantly affected the dynamics of the Earth's atmosphere and ionosphere. In this work, we use measurements from ground-based GNSS receivers and we show that this geomagnetic storm caused extreme negative deviations in the ionospheric vertical total electron content (VTEC). The VTEC drops reached-75TECU, which is one of the strongest deviations ever observed since the beginning of the ionospheric GPS/GNSS era. Further analysis revealed that such a strong negative storm was caused by storm-time changes in the equatorial electrodynamics and that in the thermospheric composition. In addition to the extreme negative storm, we observed the occurrence of vortex-like and patchy VTEC enhancements that resembled the increases in the thermospheric O/N2 ratio. Further analysis showed that the lifetime of the thermospheric O/N2 and the corresponding VTEC structures is different: while the composition alters very slowly, the VTEC can changes very rapidly. Key-points:-on 11 May 2024, a spectacular dayside negative ionospheric storm occurred at middle and low-latitudes-the formation of major VTEC drops of-75 TECU is attributed to downward ExB drift and vortex-like decreases in the thermospheric O/N2 ratio-thermospheric composition changes are also responsible for the occurrence of vortexlike increases in the VTEC

Elvira Astafyeva

and 5 more

On 10 May 2024, a powerful coronal mass ejection arrived at Earth at 17:05UT and caused a major geomagnetic storm. With the minimum SYM-H excursion of-497 nT (5-min data), this storm is the largest geomagnetic disturbance since March 1989, and can be categorized as a superstorm. In this work, by using a set of ground-based and space-borne instruments, we study the electrodynamic and ionospheric response to the May 2024 storm at middle and low latitudes. During the main phase of the storm, we observed a major super-fountain effect associated with an extreme ionospheric uplift. During the maximum disturbance at ~23:30UT on 10 May, the amplitude within the equatorial ionization anomaly crests reached 170 TECU in GNSS data and 130 TECU in the Swarm A data (i.e., above ~430 km of altitude). Moreover, DMSP showed the occurrence of a 2-peak density structure at ~850 km of altitude with 500-600% density increase, which is an indication of an extremely strong upward ExB drift and strong meridional thermospheric winds circulating during this storm. While the observed dayside ionospheric effects are quite significant, they are less intense than those that occurred during the 15 July 2000 and 29-30 October 2003 superstorms. During the recovery phase, a severe negative storm was observed in the American sector, driven by very strong ExB drift and composition changes. The negative deviation occurred during the recovery phase of the May 2024 storm is one of the strongest ever observed since the beginning of the GPS/GNSS VTEC era. Key-points:-during the main phase of the storm, an extreme dayside ionospheric uplift occurred driven by the PPEF and by storm-time thermospheric winds-the recovery phase was marked by significant drops in the ionospheric plasma density driven by downward ExB drift-compared to previous superstorms, the May 2024 event caused moderately intense positive ionospheric storm and the strongest negative storm