High-relief glacial valleys shape the modern topography of the Southern Patagonian Andes, but their formation remains poorly understood. Two Miocene plutonic complexes in the Andean retroarc, the Fitz Roy (49°S) and Torres del Paine (51°S) massifs, were emplaced between 16.9–16.4 Ma and 12.6–12.4 Ma, respectively. Subduction of oceanic ridge segments initiated ca. 16 Ma at 54°S, leading to northward opening of a slab window with associated mantle upwelling. The onset of major glaciations caused drastic topographic changes since ca. 7 Ma. To constrain the respective contributions of tectonic-mantle dynamics and fluvio-glacial erosion to rock exhumation and landscape evolution, we perform inverse thermal modeling of a new dataset of zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He from the two massifs, complemented by apatite 4He/3He data for Torres del Paine. Our results show rapid rock exhumation recorded only in the Fitz Roy massif between 10 and 8 Ma, which we ascribe to local mantle upwelling forcing surface uplift and intensified erosion around 49°S. Both massifs record a pulse of rock exhumation between 7 and 4 Ma, which we interpret as enhanced erosion during the beginning of Patagonian glaciations. After a period of erosional and tectonic quiescence in the Pliocene, increased rock exhumation since 3-2 Ma is interpreted as the result of alpine glacial valley carving promoted by reinforced glacial-interglacial cycles. This study highlights that glacial erosion was the main driver to rock exhumation in the Patagonian retroarc since 7 Ma, but that mantle upwelling might be a driving force to rock exhumation as well.

Nicolas Mangold

and 21 more

Early observations from the Perseverance rover suggested a deltaic origin for the western fan of Jezero crater only from images of the Kodiak butte. Here, we use images from the SuperCam Remote Micro-Imager and the Mastcam-Z camera to analyze the western fan front along the rover traverse, and further assess its depositional origin. Outcrops in the middle to lower half of hillslopes are composed of planar, inclined beds of sandstone that are interpreted as foresets of deltaic deposits. Foresets are locally structured in ~20-25 m thick, ~80-100 m long, antiformal structures interpreted as deltaic mouth bars. Above these foresets are observed interbedded sandstones and boulder conglomerates, interpreted as fluvial topset beds. One well-preserved lens of boulder conglomerate displays rounded clasts within well-sorted sediment deposited in fining upward beds. We interpret these deposits as resulting from lateral accretion within fluvial channels. Estimations of peak discharge rates give a range between ~100 and ~500 m3.s-1 consistent with moderate to high floods. By contrast, boulder conglomerates exposed in the uppermost part of hillslopes are poorly sorted and truncate underlying beds. The presence of these boulder deposits suggests that intense, sediment-laden flood episodes occurred after the deltaic foreset and topset beds were deposited, although the origin, timing, and relationship of these boulder deposits to the ancient lake that once filled Jezero crater remains undetermined. Overall, these observations confirm the deltaic nature of the fan front, and suggest a highly variable fluvial input.
The first samples collected by the Perseverance rover on the Mars 2020 mission were from the Maaz formation, a lava plain that covers most of the floor of Jezero crater. Laboratory analysis of these samples back on Earth will provide important constraints on the petrologic history, aqueous processes, and timing of key events in Jezero. However, interpreting these samples will require a detailed understanding of the emplacement and modification history of the Maaz formation. Here we synthesize rover and orbital remote sensing data to link outcrop-scale interpretations to the broader history of the crater, including Mastcam-Z mosaics and multispectral images, SuperCam chemistry and reflectance point spectra, RIMFAX ground penetrating radar, and orbital hyperspectral reflectance and high-resolution images. We show that the Maaz formation is composed of a series of distinct members corresponding to basaltic to basaltic andesite lava flows. The members exhibit variable spectral signatures dominated by high-Ca pyroxene, Fe-bearing feldspar, and hematite, which can be tied directly to igneous grains and altered matrix in abrasion patches. Spectral variations correlate with morphological variations, from recessive layers that produce a regolith lag in lower Maaz, to weathered polygonally fractured paleosurfaces and crater-retaining massive blocky hummocks in upper Maaz. The Maaz members were likely separated by one or more extended periods of time, and were subjected to variable erosion, burial, exhumation, weathering, and tectonic modification. The two unique samples from the Maaz formation are representative of this diversity, and together will provide an important geochronological framework for the history of Jezero crater.

Yueyi Che

and 5 more

We describe new cosmogenic Be-10 and C-14 exposure age dating on previously glaciated bedrock samples from Lyell Canyon as constraints to model the glacier’s rate and timing of thinning and retreat after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Close analysis of deglaciation following the LGM (22-12 ka) can offer insight into how glacier retreat proceeds in a warming climate. The extent and age of the LGM glaciation in Yosemite National Park, California are relatively well-constrained. Our new exposure ages from Yosemite can quantify the change of the glaciation after the LGM. This is important because the rate and timing of glacier retreat after the LGM allows us to learn about the LGM-Holocene climate transition. We collected 16 granodiorite bedrock samples from the Lyell Canyon walls in three vertical transects: at the end, in the middle, and near the head of Lyell Canyon. Sample elevations range from 2781m to 3388m. The samples are being processed for cosmogenic Be-10 and C-14 concentrations (for the lower and higher elevations in the transects, respectively). Together with previously acquired Be-10 exposure ages from glacial polished bedrock and boulders at the canyon floor, our vertical transects will help to define the relationship between glacier retreat and thinning along the valley. The combination of different nuclide measurements has the potential to reveal whether the glacier melted rapidly or went through multiple thinning and thickening cycles. We created several simple forward models of cosmogenic Be-10 and C-14 exposure ages on the valley wall for different glacier thinning patterns: (i) rapid thinning, (ii) thinning and thickening cycles during the melting, (iii) thickening first, followed by thinning, and (iv) breaking an upper small cirque glacier from the main glacier during the thinning. After we have obtained all our data, we will compare the exposure age data to our modeled scenarios, as well as local paleoclimate records, to quantify the glacier’s geometry and mass balance during the climate warming period. Understanding the timing, rates, and patterns of LGM retreat and thinning constitute a useful test case that aids mountain glacier melting predictions and water budget planning under contemporary climate change in analogous environments.

Christopher Herd

and 15 more

The NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission will collect a suite of scientifically compelling samples for return to Earth. On the basis of orbital data, the Mars 2020 science team* identified two notional sample caches to study (1) the geology of Jezero crater, collected during the prime mission and (2) the ancient crust outside of Jezero crater, collected during a possible extended mission. Jezero crater geology consists of well-preserved, Early Hesperian to Late Noachian deltaic and lacustrine deposits sourced from a river system that drained Noachian terrain. The crater floor comprises at least two distinct units of sedimentary or volcanic origin whose relationship to the deltaic deposits is presently unclear. Remotely-sensed data reveal signatures of carbonate+olivine and clay minerals within crater floor and crater margin units. Samples from within Jezero that comprise the prime mission notional sample collection thus include: crater floor units; fine- and coarse-grained delta facies, the former with potential to preserve organic matter and/or biosignatures, the latter to possibly constrain the type and timing of sediment deposition; chemical sediments with the potential to preserve biosignatures; a sample of crater rim bedrock; and at least one sample of regolith. The region of southern Nili Planum, directly outside the western rim of Jezero crater, is geologically distinct from Jezero crater and contains diverse Early or even Pre-Noachian lithologies, that may contain records of early planetary differentiation, magnetism, paleoclimate and habitability. The notional sample collection from this region will include: layered and other basement rocks; megabreccias, which may represent blocks of (pre-)Noachian crust; basement-hosted hydrothermal fracture fill; olivine+carbonate rocks that are regionally significant and may be related to units within Jezero crater; and mafic cap unit rocks. The samples described are notional and may change with ongoing surface investigations. However, the samples we anticipate collecting align well with community priorities for Mars exploration, addressing geologic diversity, potential ancient biologic activity on Mars, planetary evolution, volatiles, and human health hazards. *Many other Mars 2020 team members were involved in this planning