October 30, 2023
Strong El NiƱo events lead to robust multi-year ENSO predictability
Nathan Lenssen, Pedro DiNezio, Lisa Goddard, et al.
July 17, 2024
Distilling the evolving contributions of anthropogenic aerosols and greenhouse gases...
Yue Dong, Jennifer E Kay, Clara Deser, et al.
November 22, 2021
Less surface sea ice melt in the CESM2 improves Arctic sea ice simulation with minima...
Jennifer E Kay, Patricia DeRepentigny, Marika M Holland, et al.
October 15, 2020
Is there a tropical response to recent observed Southern Ocean cooling?
Xiyue Zhang, Clara Deser, Lantao Sun, et al.
December 31, 2021
Diurnal and Semi-diurnal Variations in the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation over t...
Alamgir Hossan, Clara Deser, Falko Judt, et al.